
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A bit late

Tonight is Special Town Meeting Night.  If nothing else, the fact it is happening has somehow managed to get the truck rolling to dispose of at least one of the two former schools.  

Let's not forget the pot plant.  What the special does it get that issue voted on sooner rather than in May. Saves the need for another round of public hearings on the moratorium article. 

Tomorrow could be an interesting day.  Not because of the results of the meeting tonight. Not as a result of any meetings scheduled for tomorrow.  I am just hearing about a word or two, or several about a simmering pot on an issue that may or may not boil over.  Keep your ears and eyes open.

Shifting gears ...

I have used the Einstein definition of insanity on here a number of times, i.e. doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  That may explain why I think I spend so much time of my existence in a bizzaro universe.  

Actually it is one of my favorite sayings, along with his saying about the difference between stupidity and genius.  Let's also not forget the one from the sage for the ages, Mr. Berra, "Deja vous all over again".

You might wonder what this is all about.  For a little while anyway.

Shifting gears again ...

Believe it or not, after tonight's special gathering it is just 80 days to the big show, i.e. the Annual Town Meeting. Eighty can be a big number when you are talking weeks or months, get down to days before an Annual Town Meeting, it gets you doing some serious calculations in your head and wishing for a few more before you have to shake your head about the ones that have been wasted.

When you factor in that there will also be a "Special" within the annual, 80 becomes a really small number, since you aren't likely to hear about the many special things that people want to happen until 80 becomes say 45.

Well the biggest plus for being on Facebook was discovering within ten minutes of the big bang yesterday what caused it.  Quite a crack and a boom, and fortunately, very fortunately, nothing compared to what is considered a major quake.

We are nearing the deadline for pulling nomination papers for town wide offices, i.e. tomorrow.  Return deadline is Tuesday (double check with the Town Clerk though).

Won't be many choices on the ballot this year.  Never a really good thing, except perhaps to provide more time to the contested races on candidates night.

Anyway, out of time this morning.  Not sure how that happens, given the time I usually start these things.

Be safe!


  1. It will be interesting to see if a pot boils over because what I've learned is that the party who tells me about a pot about to boil over is only telling me because they think I'm going to turn the heat up under it so they don't have to.
    It's really time for those type of people to operate the burner control themselves if they're so inclined.

  2. Really, these are the types of comments that make this all worth while.

    All I can tell you is if you find my methods/style disagreeable join a long list and stop reading. It will save us both the time and effort of having a little tete da tete like this.

    I am guessing you and I are actually thinking about two different pots.

    If I am presently guessing correctly about yours, than you know that one is in fact going to boil over and it will have nothing to do with the mention in the post. It has nothing to do with whether you turn up the heat, or I try and get you to, and believe me I am not.

    When yours does in fact boil over, plenty will be more than happy to adjust the controls on that burner. In fact I will probably heed your advice myself. What I have learned is that concern such as yours usually indicates a reason to be concerned.

    But I like you am guessing. Well as to what you think I was referring to and me as to what I think you are referring to.

    I know the pot I am looking at, and mine may or may not boil over. Yours, if I am guessing right, absolutely will. The issue for yours isn't an if, just how big a mess the spell causes.

    I realize some find my being cryptic at times frustrating or somehow a stone being cast directly at them. I can't control paranoia, and I dealt with the cryptic issue long ago. Neither can I control the fact there always seem to be too many pots simmering on the stove.

  3. You know what's gratifying about watching a simmering pot whether it boils over or not?? That the process of simmering is creating an undeniable crust around the edge of the pot that's difficult to ignore. Everyone whose looking sees it.

  4. The day that there's a need for more than one pot dispensary in this small town will be the day it's being acquired for more than medicinal purposes.

  5. Simmering pot you say! how can a town department head tell us he can cover raises with his existing budget especially when it was cut before to fix a problem.

    1. What department head said that? The statements that even come close to what you say were by a selectman and were to the effect that in negotiating the contract and in discussion by the selectmen with the department it was expected adjustments to the budget would have to be made.

  6. In reference to the statement made by the police chief(he will do his best to make up for it in the rest of his budget). It was in reference to reinstating the funds which were eliminated by the state (Quinn Bill).Town meeting eliminated the funds from the budget.He is now willing to not replace 2 or 3 positions thru retirement etc to fund this. This was said during budget meeting with FinCom..I will welcome a response if this wasnt said...

  7. Without reviewing the tape, my memory is essentially the same as yours as to what was said about "doing his best to make up for it in the rest of his budget." That is a far cry from your initial statement in the form of a question "how can a town department head tell us he can cover raises with his existing budget especially when it was cut before to fix a problem."

    I too would welcome a response if this isn't the actual scenario.

    Big difference between your first and second comment by the way. In my opinion anyway.

  8. Quinn bill funds reduced,town meeting reduces budget (funds),chief claims he can adjust budgets with personnel cuts to pay for the incentives again I guess town meeting will have the final word.cant think of anything to add at this point,


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