
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday's Tidbits

One of my personal pet peeves is the never ending trend for people to simply steal as their own the words and thoughts of others.  Is it so hard to attribute a quote or an idea?  I am not sure which would be worse, discovering someone is too lazy to add the appropriate credit, or the fact they feel no need to give the credit to the "author".

No, I am not ranting about being "ripped off".  If I was concerned about such things, I would have added the appropriate copyright tag to this blog long ago.  I was taught long ago that it was just plain wrong to appropriate the work of others and pass it off as your own.  

As I said a personal pet peeve.

Having got that off my chest, let's move on ...

In case you missed it, if you were heading to San Francisco, you will now have to make sure you bring clothes with you.  The city has passed a public nudity ban.  Seems California laws on "public" display were tied into the lewd conduct concept.  Brings up an interesting concept of just how "free" do we as a free society want to be.  Seems this one is going to test the limits of the "freedom of speech" argument as opponents to the ban believe there is a violation of the right to freedom of expression.

Seriously, are there any limits?  

Speaking of freedom of speech, and free in general ...

The Fairhaven Neighborhood News is out a day earlier than usual.  Very interesting piece about the latest study recently announced relative to health effects from wind turbines.  Also, an interesting report on the latest Planning Board meeting regarding the change to the zoning by-laws relative to turbine siting.

Newspapers folks, be they locals, national, daily or weekly, still are what constitute the best of what freedom of speech is about.  As an entity, the newspaper is a dwindling being.

I was going to address a few things on the national front, but I don't have the time or energy this morning to go that route. 

May everyone have a safe holiday.  

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