
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The 1% Solution

It would have been nice if we could have packed the house a bit more last night at the Special Town Meeting.  It was rather sparsely attended.  The session lasted one hour, beating my prediction on the under side big time.  

No calls for counts.  No need to do it either.  

The only matters subject to debate were the first two items under Article 1, and the same was fairly sparse.  Less than a handful of questions/members speaking on the Voc-Tech article.  

A Town Meeting rant ...

Unless and until this Town adopts a policy of an annual fall meeting, in addition to the spring meeting, as in fact some towns do, the title of "Special Town Meeting" should be given very serious consideration before any article is placed on the warrant.  I understand that if 100 voter signatures are obtained, the article automatically goes on the warrant (and any 200 voter signatures can call a STM).  

The simple fact is if there is a request for the selectmen to place a matter on the warrant, the very first question that should be asked, especially for money articles,  is what would you do if we weren't having a STM.  You should not sidestep, circumvent, change, alter or any term you want to use, the SOP for operation budgets.  You should be able to clearly and concisely articulate what you need and what it is for.  

An early Christmas surprise ....

Biggest surprise of the day, the Governor's announcement yesterday he is seeking the trigger authorizing the expansion of his use of 9C powers. English translation:  He wants to cut local aid, along with a whole bunch of other stuff to cover an anticipated $540 million shortfall in state revenue.  

A one percent cut in local aid at this point is inexcusable.  Let's start with the shortfall.  Essentially the projected amount is about the same as the "soft" revenue used to put together the budget.  

Do us all a favor, start with realistic numbers.  I rather get an influx of cash mid-year than lose it mid-year.  The Governor isn't the sole one to blame here.  Your legislators put together and voted on the budget.  

In addition to cuts at the state level, and the unrestricted local aid reduction, we are looking potentially, and most likely, at cuts to circuit breaker and regional school transportation, along with the McKinney-Vento reimbursement program (education for the homeless). These are the just to start items by the way. 

For this to be announced does not make for a rosy picture, obviously.  The indication is that despite all the hoopla about the great Christmas shopping season start, it couldn't have been all that great. Neither can the overall economy in this state be steam rolling along.   For a green energy state, it looks like we are getting coal in the stockings this year.

Nonetheless, it is what it is, and as it is what it is, let's move on ...

The DOR report,  please read it!  If nothing else, take the time to read the first three paragraphs on page 7 of the report.

On another matter ...

The one thing I know for certain about the upcoming Town election is ... I am announcing that I am once again NOT a candidate for any elected office (all ready have a TM seat so I can say that).  

Although I heard a couple of interesting names thrown about yesterday about people who are potentially candidates.  Hope they take out papers, it will make for a lively election season.

As tempted as I am to fire a few other shots off today, I won't.  So, that is it for today.

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