
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Idle Ramblings

Trying to harvest something to write about today, after surveying the normal routine sites for what might be ripe for picking,  I have decided to pick the town election as a topic (another surprise, not).  

I received a Facebook request to like a candidate's page, and I did.  

Just as a note, I appreciate anyone referring me to such pages and any web sites associated with the elections.  One needs to stay on top of all the available information.  Keeping that in mind, "liking" a page shouldn't be viewed as an endorsement for any candidate.  

If any when I reach the decision to formally endorse anyone via this little exercise, you will be left with no doubt in your mind that I have.

As far as the election though, it does look like the Board of Health race will turn out to be the act that steals the show.  This will be despite the fact the fact that the selectman's seat will get top billing.

Peter DeTerra, the incumbent, is being challenged by John Wethington.  Both have face book pages.  Mr Wethington has a website up and running. 

If the candidates nights continue to be conducted along the lines they have recently, there is unfortunately going to be very little opportunity for informed debate, in any race. 

The event held last year at the COA, being the government access sponsored or related or however properly described session needs some serious revamping.  It will be interesting to see who gets hand picked to moderate that one, since last year's moderator is a candidate in this years selectmen's race.

Seriously, when you think about it, what business did a sitting selectmen have moderating such an evening?  I won't even get into the composition of panelist.  

The turbines are going to dominate this race, again.  Who gets out and votes will determine this race again.  As always of course.

With only two candidates in the selectmen's race and no driving issue in the school committee race, the prospect of any high turnout is minimal at best.  

I seriously doubt the airing of the various candidates nights are going to get anyone excited enough to "drive" them to the polls.

Despite the challenger not being a member of Windwise (information taken from his web literature), you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who the Windwise group and its supporters and those who are opposed to the turbines are going to be backing.

Looking at last year's Board of Health race, you would have to be a political dunce not to realize that the winner was carried into office on the coattails of successful candidate, now Selectman Espindola.  Just barely I might add.  

No disrespect to anyone, however there aren't going to be any coattails long enough in the selectmen's race for either of the two candidates in the BOH to ride.  This will be a one on one contest.

It could be pretty interesting to.  

The challenger though is going to need a solid turnout from the turbine opponents. It isn't a matter of judging the candidates individually that cause such a statement.  It is simply that, in what should at this point be a low turn out election, the (I) after your name does equate into votes, especially as you work your way down a ballot.

Is there still enough steam in the turbine opposition's engine to get it done?  Time will tell.

The issuance of the sound study from the state could have an impact, a big one.  If the report comes out and says no violation (under state standards), you might be able to actually call the race at that point.  Quite frankly if the study does find a violation, you can probably call the race at that point.

If the state issues new guidelines before the election, how the candidates propose to deal with them can shift the election.

Reading what has been written to this point, I suppose diving any further into this race from the political pundit point of view accomplishes little. Besides, not sure how much deeper I want to go at this point.

Moving on to the selectman's race, this one should be the most interesting but won't be, at least from the point of view I am looking from right now.  

Can the incumbent be unseated?  It certainly is possible.  Will it happen?  At this early stage, the odds are against it happening.  Again please note this is simply a political observation.

At this point last year the front runner (in my mind) was not the eventual winner.  There were a number of things along the way that changed perspectives, opinions, sentiments.  This occurred even during what passes for candidates' nights, and some campaigning miscues, and never forget the all important momentum factor.

What is going to happen this year again will in part be determined by what transpires over the next 6 weeks.  

What proposal is the Board of Selectmen going to adopt for a funding policy?  

How long will the board wait to take the votes to determine which department and articles get chopped to make it work?

What will be the actual proposal for the change in town government?  What are the specifics of the proposal to shift to a town manager?  Exactly what are the parameters for the changes proposed to fin com?  When is the BPW to be disbanded?

The answers to these questions and the candidates position on the matters may very well shift things.

Okay just some rambling thoughts.  

As another note, your fearless leaders are meeting tonight.  I really need to catch this meeting as hopefully there will be some actual insight into dollar figures for FY 2014.  

Be safe.

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