
Monday, February 11, 2013

It Is Back!

Okay, no posts since what, last Thursday right?  I didn't put something up Friday morning because I was planning on getting in as much work as possible in the A.M. and then get back to HQ to battle the weather.  

Then one thing turned into another, and by the time I started to blog it was the P.M., and pretty much through the intended post, we lost our internet.  There was a way to do it through the good old cell phone, however, it is a bit trickier.

Could have been worse though, we managed to keep power throughout, except for about six flicker outages.  Internet was restored yesterday at Noon, along with cable t.v. and telephone.  

I count our blessings, because compared to many, we were extremely fortunate.  Anyway, here is the piece I was in the progress of writing when the internet went out ...

Hunkering down for the evening, waiting out the storm, I figured it might be a good time to try and put together a piece.

I had a good rant in me this morning, but had to much prep stuff to do on other matters, and by the time I actually had the time to get to the keyboard, the "fire" had dwindled a bit.

So besides the storm raging in town (and I mean the weather), what is there to write about?

A notable tidbit ...

I understand that the Tuesday evening session of the mandated harassment training meeting was the one that was worth attending.  From what I can gather though, the attendance value was related to what went on rather than any meaningful information.

I am told that the issue of a lack of formal written policy was discussed a bit more than at the afternoon session.

I have to tell you that this is one I simply cannot understand and that is really beyond any reasonable explanation.  This type of policy is pretty much SOP just about anywhere in the real world where you have more than 15 employees.

You assume that people in charge are aware of what is needed, what should be done.  I know several departments have a formal departmental policy in place.  Seems we actually do have department heads who pay attention to the periodic notices sent out by the various government agencies, and are actually aware of managerial responsibilities.

It really is a complete mystery as to why the town as a whole, and and town hall as a "department" doesn't have one.  As I have said before, good government involves more than a good accounts receivable book and a super secret unwritten financial policy.

But hey what do I know?  I am only a spendthrift, subversive type.  I am not a team player.  I want to rule the world.  Funny though, how often I am left to carry the baggage.  Of course that could just be my imagination, because I am off my rocker too.

I get a kick at all the behind the back commentary that comes to me.  I am a lot of things, but at least I am pretty much up front.  I don't sandbag anyone, intentionally anyway.  I don't hide my thoughts, although I do think this year they might be held a bit closer to the vest.  You would be amazed how many times I have seen a "policy" shift right after I have given out information.

.... that's as far as I got before internet failure.  

I will leave it at that.  On to other rantings ...

There needs to be a special driving test before anyone is allowed to drive while it is snowing or for 48 hrs. after a major storm.  I am always amazed at the bonehead moves you see people make.  

To everyone who obeyed the driving ban, congratulations for being part of the reason there wasn't a major mess on the roadways in the area.  

To Governor Patrick, let's give credit where credit is due for making decisive and planned decisions. A rarity at any level of government.

The major question locally, can anyone out there tell me where the command center was during the declared emergency?  I am hearing it was in the exact same location as the command center during "Sandy".  If it was, one has to question why that is.

The one definitive plan we have in this town, emergency preparedness, seems to be a "paper tiger" in a declared emergency.

I have had the opportunity to speak with about a half dozen "grunts".  Not meant to be a derogatory term either.  A real grunt is the man or woman who does the "real"work.  A real grunt is a person who gets it done, no matter what the weather or the top administration throws at them.

And the grunts common complaint, lack of co-ordination.

A detailed plan that never seems quite worthy enough to be implemented.

I think I am going to have to remember to show up for the next public meeting/hearing for it.  You know, the one when the selectmen do their traveling show to perform on West Island.

Tonight ....

Selectmen have budget meetings scheduled for BPW, Police, Fire and School.  Last Thursday night, the Selectmen, through the Executive Secretary extended and invitation for Fin Com to come on down for the meeting.  This was after a n invitation to the Selectmen had been issued and relayed for the Selectmen to come in to discuss their budget and articles before Fin Com.  You know just like everyone else does, or I should say has a right to do.

Asking Fin Com to show up to a Monday meeting on a Thursday night posses just a bit of a dilemma.  Open Meeting laws require a 48 hrs. positing, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.

Depending on how my day goes, I may get there, also depending on the weather and how much rain we get and corresponding muck gets generated.

Anyway, let's see what actually happens.

On another matter ...

I received an e-mail about the planning board meeting tomorrow (I think it is).  This is the public hearing on the proposed wind turbine siting by-law.  I was asked about whether I thought the size of the room would be appropriate.

Don't know.  If it isn't, if the room is inadequate to hold the crowd than the chair will be faced with the need to adjourn the meeting to get a larger venue.

I am going to add that hindsight is an easy thing, like being a Monday morning quarterback.

I was asked if I thought the banquet room was appropriate for this meeting.

Honestly, if people are showing up to either listen to or participate on the hearing for the proposed by-law, yes I do.

If people are showing up to discuss the existing turbines, to turn the meeting into a forum for the issues related to the existing turbines, the lack of response by other boards and seeking to address the existing problems, then no I don't think the room will be large enough.

To that end, my hat is off to the Chair of the Planning Board, and its members for issuing the rules of conduct for this public hearing.  Perhaps the advance notice that the Planning Board intends to conduct a meeting on future wind turbine siting might do the trick as far as stopping any attempt to high-jack the meeting for the purpose of addressing the problems with the existing turbines.

What people seem to continually forget is that a public meeting and public hearings are not licenses to simply address everything and anything you want, in the manner you want, how you want, and for how long you want.

Should there be a forum by the Selectmen and/or Board of Health to address again the existing turbines? Probably.

Is the hearing for the proposed by-law the place for that?  Definitely not.

Certainly the existing turbines come into play with this proposed by-law as examples of why it is needed.    As long as the discussion stays on the prevention rather than the cure line, so be it.

It will be definitely interesting to see how and to what extent the same is allowed.

Okay enough for today.  Be Careful out there driving today.  Conditions are going to be messy at best, and as far as this A.M. treacherous.  Be Safe!

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