
Friday, November 1, 2013

Sorry, I still don't get it

Okay, so I took yesterday off from blogging.  Twice in one week. Who would have thought that? I actually was seriously debating taking today off also.

Yesterday, I wasn't about to sully the still feel good mood over the Red Sox win. Too few of those moments come our way, even when one comes, even if only over a sporting event, might as well enjoy.

So where does life take us after that?  Hopefully the Super Bowl.  Wouldn't it be nice if that was the biggest concern we had to grapple with?

Not sure what the funk is as of late with the blogging.  I mean there is plenty to write about, isn't there?

I could write about the upcoming BPW meeting.  November 4, 2013. Agenda Item V. Items for Action, D. Water and Sewer Indirect Costs. From what I am hearing, seems the issue is whether to institute a charge to town entities for water and sewer.  Tit for tat move.

So much gets lost in these little things.  Such as the fact that at the time the enterprise funds were established the decision was made to not charge town entities.  Then there is the fact that the enterprise funds have been charged for associated costs all along.  This despite having heard elected officials, well at least one, make the claim to the contrary. There is also the fact that over the years when the charge was not being levied properly, the mistake should have been obvious not only the party responsible for issuing that particular bill, but the party receiving it (but hey, if you go to the cash register and and the teller makes an error in your favor, do you take it and let him or her eat her own mistake when cash out time comes, or are you the normal idiot like myself that points it out).

Let's also not forget the many hundreds of thousands of dollars that the enterprise funds received indirectly from the general fund over the years for this error.

Likely millions of dollars to be honest (although low millions admittedly) has been lost over an approximate eight year span for whatever general fund purposes you favor due to people who are either elected or paid allowing a mistake to compound.

I suppose the concept of perhaps having a few hundred thousand dollars each year over the past eight years to do perhaps extra road work is of no real significance.  

That seems to be lost by so many people here.  That and the plain and simple fact that had cost been assessed properly over time, you are where you would have been all along.

Argue about whether the calculations are correct.

Argue about the one fell swoop. I agree there is in fact some validity to that.  Could something have been done to spread the impact absolutely.

General fund spending could have been curtailed, yet no requests where lessened or withdrawn.

Why even water and sewer had the option of spreading projects over a period of time to lessen the impact. Didn't happen.

Certainly argue that whatever fraction such a charge will reduce the rates is justified relief for the rate payers. There will be some fractional relief, right? I mean this move isn't going to be made simply to add to the retained earnings.

I am beginning to wonder if we should jettison the title "Town of Fairhaven" and replace it with "Confederation of Political Subdivisions of Fairhaven as Authorized by Its Special Acts".

Some clever writer wrote an interesting play about the folly of trying to extract a pound of flesh because you had that the right.  Over the years many have commented on the fact having a right to do something does mean it is the right thing to do.

In the end the best any of us can hope for from our elected officials in making those decisions is some understanding of those concepts.

It is said with age comes wisdom.  Doubtful at times. The thought that seems to be gaining more and more room in my mental attic is "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then". Nothing wise about that, just a bit self-indulgent to be honest.

Of course had I known then what I know now, I wouldn't be sitting here pounding these keys.  Unlike Mr. Seger, I would neither be pondering about what I did and didn't know at points in my life, and neither would I feel like I am still running against the wind.  I would have been at taken off at full speed with the wind at my back running to catch up to that band wagon and jumping aboard a long time ago.

No, I don't think wisdom comes with age.  At least perhaps not for me, 'cause I still don't seem to get it at times.

Enough for today.

Be Safe.

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