
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It must be raining

Well the drought is over.  What's it been, three or fours days?  

I have been working on a piece over that time relative to the Town Manager/BPW existence.  Several times I have been so very close to hitting the publication button. But I have been able to follow my rule relative to writing. Read it once, twice, three times. In this case it has had about a dozen reads and a half a dozen re-writes.

In the end, I am not going to publish it.  Not yet.  The most compelling reason isn't that it is inappropriate.  No, my reasoning is this:  If you watched last Thursday's Town Government Study Committee meeting you heard all you really need to know.  

From the chatter on the streets, apparently some of you heard more than enough.  

Besides, no point in wasting a piece right now. It will be just as valid when the issues come to a vote.  Why point out the obvious right?  Certainly not a wise tactic at this point anyway.

The other chatter on the street, involves that fact that the BPW member Steve Riley took out papers to run against Selectman Charlie Murphy.  That would be a very interesting race to see play out.  Could be worth numerous blogs.

Anyway ... 

Relative to the Town Government Study Committee ...

Point number one from this citizens' point of view, leave town meeting alone.  Leave the number of town meeting members alone.  I will note it does not seem there is any real consensus to change town meeting.  I will also note that the discussions about it however are being discussed elsewhere than in your meetings.  For what it is worth, those discussions take the same tenor as the BPW performance before the Committee last Thursday. Maybe I should explain that since certainly some might view that performance differently than I do? 

Anyway, a lesser number does not guaranty a greater percentage turnout.  You don't have to look far or far back to find examples of how smaller bodies are not better attended.

I do like the idea of a check in in the morning and afternoon session though.  I would like it better if the attendance records were released prior to each election.  Should do the same thing for elected boards and for re-appointments. Certainly no one can expect perfect attendance from all members for all meetings. But if you can't manage to make it to a high percentage of meetings, why should you be there?

Anyway, I have no problem with looking at it. I actually believe every single aspect of the government structure needs to be assessed.  I just haven't heard an explanation as to why the size of our town meeting is an issue.  

Everyone should be looking at this process from the perspective of if you were starting from scratching, if you were utilizing a "zero based" structure format, is what we have now what you would build from the ground up?

Even the size of town meeting.

See I can easily deal with the size of town meeting concept.  I can.  For those who feel it is too large, one needs to assess the real benefits of a reduction in size. We could debate the nuances on that forever.  If it ends up being reduced, well that would mean someone has developed the compelling argument.  

Government structure?  In today's day and age, would you really create an operational set up like we have?

If it ain't broke don't fix it is an argument for something when there isn't a better alternative.  some don't see what is being discussed as a better alternative.  I can understand that perspective.  I don't agree with it.  I haven't for a very long time.

One thing I do believe in though is change will certainly be happening.  Be it by our own making, or circumstances developing that will force it.  We are operating under an outmoded business module that is definitely showing its inability to function.  But hey, that's just my opinion.

I just ask you to consider the arguments against a Town Manager when made.  Don't they always seem to eventually get down to it is no good for me or my board?

Enough for today.  

Be safe.



  1. I don't understand why TM members don't show up after lunch. I've heard why they don't, but I don't understand it. Also, how many of them educate themselves on the articles beforehand? It's a shame when they only participate so they can vote on the hot issue of the day. I have no problem with the number of them, just the number who don't take the responsibility seriously.

  2. All the wage articles are usually done before lunch an these are important to some of the town meeting members who are also town employees. After lunch the unless the articles are overrides or debt exclusions these members lose interest.Some articles are won or defeated because of there inactivity.Town manager will take some power away from certain departments ,but they will survive albeit in a more efficient manner. Some people cant see what is really not working efficiently in town .


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