
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday is no meat day

I have had a number or people offer several ideas for increasing the revenue stream.
Multiple people suggest the cameras at red lights.  Problem there, right off the bat, you would need state legislation, and attempts to get it state wide have essentially drowned in the legislative process before even dipping a toe in the pool.

There have been the pay as you throw suggestions, which we have discussed recently

Stricter code enforcement.  Personally, I think it is a great idea.  Personally I also think it would be a very hard sell in our town.  People usually are all for code enforcement, so long as it doesn't apply to them.  How many people run businesses in violation of the code (i.e. off the grid for tax purposes especially excise, do construction/additions/major repairs without permits?). 

I know several of you have asked me  how come "so and so" gets away with "this or that". Believe it or not because you see something happening, does not mean it is known by or has been brought to the attention of the town employee/entity in charge of enforcement.

The vast majority of violations are discovered through citizen complaints.  Given staff levels it is not reasonable to expect that there is any significant time to "patrol" the streets and ways of our fair town.

No, I don't want to turn the police into code enforcement agents either, not for that anyway.

What some cities and towns do however, is adopt and enforce more stringent parking regulations.  Specifically they provide for tickets for parking vehicles with expired registrations and inspection stickers. If I understand the law as was explained to me, if the vehicle is pulled over and such a ticket issues, the money goes to the state and the town's share comes back most notably in chapter 90 money.  If the vehicle is parked though and a ticket issues, than the money goes to the municipality.

Just a thought to provoke a thought I guess.

Just a wonder or two. Kind of dovetails into the concept that everyone wants to try and maintain what is left of our little town concept yet somehow willing turn blind eyes or grant waivers and permits that slowly erode that "quality of life" everyone seems to complain about losing.

I guess I am drawing a blank today for any "meaty" topic. Well not really, but I am not sure I could resist taking a sledge hammer to the tea cup approach.

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