
Friday, March 21, 2014

Stuck in the middle, six or seven days late

Well it is another one of those days when there is actually so much to write about, I can't decide what to write about.  The special town meeting warrant was released last night, to fin com anyway. I need more time to wrap my head around that one.  

Also, who knows if it is even finished.  If the SOP for the process of what is STM runs its course, some individual, some department or agency will have some reason as to why he, she, they or it are so deserving as to be excused from a deadline that a member of the general public would not obtain the same courtesy.

Always mind boggling how such pressing and urgent matters arise after a deadline.  the same applies to some things which were submitted within the deadline.

Guaranteed you will see one, or two, or three things or more which will cause you to pause and wonder why oh why was this not thought of when say one put together one's operating budget. What caused the light bulb to turn on?  

Just a question for your the reader?  Should any monetary request reasonably foreseeable, or which should have been foreseen with just a modicum of due diligence be given first crack at the piggy bank?

How fair is it to the majority of departments or people or organizations who made a conscientious decision to perhaps forego an item this year  in the operating budget or a request, only to see the pile up in March for room at the monetary trough?

There really has to be something to that ides of March warning. I mean look at all the necessities that pop up. 

Best to leave it here.  Be safe.


  1. How's the saying go-
    A lack of planning on your part, doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.
    A serious need, except of course in an emergency, is 'planned' for.

  2. A crack at the piggy bank- yes. First crack-no.

  3. A cynic might think that it is a planned strategy to wait to be placed on the STM warrant and get first crack at the available fund before the well runs dry. It usually becomes more evident that funds are tight as the TM progresses. That same cynic may also see a conscious strategy by some at precinct meetings. The plan there is to allow an article to be discussed without raising any questions at the precinct meeting only to raise the questions or objections at TM when the element of surprise is more effective.

    1. I agree with you. Last minute requests may be presented so as to deliberately not give people time to thoughtfully consider the matter. If they're not important enough to give time for thoughtful consideration, they may not be important enough to allocate funding.

  4. Must the Moderator take up Special Town Meeting first?

  5. Good news the digester,turbines,an solar are sources of revenue.Bad news the departments are already finding uses for the revenue for themselves rather than for long term planning.

  6. As long as we keep allocating sums for special town meeting we will always have requests which are always larger than the allocations.To bad we cant whittle down the requests to articles which really are in the special category.It doesnt stop there because the FinCom emergency funds are constantly drained of funds for non appropriate reasons.


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