
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Time for new pieces

The preview for the week.

Water ban.  We have a water ban in our fair haven related to maintenance of one of the town wells. If you need details go to the listing on the Town website.

Okay, now that we have the public service announcement out of the way....

Locally ... of interest ... at least to me.

If the Market basket family feud doesn't break this week, not sure there is any chance of the "old" store surviving.  Based on some early morning news reports on line, looks like the ball may in fact be back in Mr. T's court.  

At least from the early read.  You want to buy. We will sell. If you don't have the cash, here are our terms.  Seems to me if you want to buy and don't have the cash, well you are kind of stuck.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. S and his faction have screwed things up royally. Anyway read the latest stuff.  

From a purely consumer perspective, all I want is a return to the old days.  If that is even possible.  To all you shoppers out there who seem to believe the two biggest competitors and price competitive, I will simply disagree with you.  When your store brand is as expensive if not more than the premium brands in the other market ...

Each to their own I suppose.  All I can say is I know what it use to cost me per week before MB.  I know what it is now costing me with the present situation.  I know for me it has been a big difference.

Don't expect much action in tow this week.  With the Exec Sec out of town for vacation, absent a disaster, it will be a slow pace.  Did I just jinx things?

I have recommended the Real Clear Politics site to you in the past.  I do it again.  While the site name is a misnomer, because no one or no site can make clear the mess that is the politics of this country, it does provide a wealth of information.  

Not one sided. Seldom site opinionated. Op-ed pieces from the left, right, and the middle on various in the news issues.  A ton of polling from the pollsters. As close to a one stop site as you will find to find opposing points of view and information. 

Heaven forbid we should actually read not only a pro piece but a con piece also.

Anyway ... I get a kick out of how the polls can have such a wide spread on supposedly the same issue.  I mean how does on poll show a negative 20 job approval rating and another a negative 6?

Well if you look at how the polls are conducted you can see the answer, but who wants to get that deep today, right? 

Anyway ...

What's new in town?  I suppose new depend on perspective.  Same old story, same old song and dance.  New story teller and new singers and dancers don't change the tale or the tune.

What never seems to change is predictability.  You can draw a plot line for just about everything, which in many ways is extremely unfortunate.  Don't get me wrong. I agree that end results are not per se predictable. The course and the "plot" is though more often than not.

So I guess not much is new.  From my perspective.

Switching gears.  

Don't you just love it when people tell you you aren't going to do something? Or you can't do something? 

Best one is, you have been saying that forever.  Well actually no I haven't. I have been saying something for a long time, yes.  But if you have been listening it has been a qualified statement of sorts.  The more recent statements have been without that qualifier.

And despite the comments a few paragraphs above folks, the times at least are changing, and that is indeed something new. Soon we will be getting a brand new puzzle to be put together.  As with all puzzles cut and jumbled, there are only some many designs that can be stamped out.  

Odds are you can take a piece from the old puzzle, say one out five times and fit it into the exact same slot in the new puzzle, but the picture simply won't be right in the end.  If you are going to put together the puzzle why not look to the new pieces only?  

Kind of like a long running play too. At some point in time it is best find different actors for a certain role or two, make a change in script, all for the benefit of extending the run.  But a decent actor, hopefully a at least that, understands that while such changes are a fact of life, the same also alter his or her "fit" for a particular role in the play.  

There are plenty of roles out there too.  So if one gets the acting bug again after a respite ....

The same old song and dance routine gets tiring.  For the audience and the performer. 

Kind of like this blog too I think.  

Anyway ...

Enough for today.

Be safe.


1 comment:

  1. Michelle FurtadoSunday, August 10, 2014

    I admire the MB employees for doing what they did. Whether they "did it' for too long, resulting in permanent negative consequences for themselves remains to be seen. Seems like there's still a lot for controlling parties to sort out. If the workers willingly put their positions on the line for something they truly believed in, then good. If they did it without consideration of the worst case ending scenario, then it is what it is. And for many it looks like it's not going to end well. While I would like tomorrow to be the same as a month ago, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. I liked MB. I liked the one-stop shopping, low prices, and efficient service. I'll continue to explore my next best option. I don't know whether MB executives can pick themselves up, and even then, I'm not sure if there's enough "customer loyalty" to breathe it back to life.


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