Facts (based on info from a number of sources) and some Misc.
Been holding off on this one for a few days. I wanted to see if those advocating for transparency and fairness would post something. My apologies if you have something out there which I couldn't find, but news like this shouldn't be hard to locate.
The preliminary injunction to stop the wind turbines was denied. Two of the four counts from the lawsuit filed to stop the process were dismissed. If I understand correctly what remains are matters dealing with proper procedure and authority (more than happy for input from those who may know more).
This doesn't mean the remaining claims are not valid, or merely "technical". In fact, at least in my opinion, there are issues which do need to be resolved through the legal process. If I have a correct understanding of what remains, these are important issues that do need to be addressed and determined.
I am not going to opine on the legal validity of the remaining claims because quite honestly I do not know enough about the specific legal issues in question.
All I will say is if the Town and developer have failed to comply with the law, then they should be required to do so or suffer the consequences, no different then is required of anyone under the law.
One of the most interesting rumors I have heard is the one concerning the Rogers Elementary School. Well there are several interesting ones, actually.
Stop the turbines and you can stop the closing of the school (not sure how that one actually would work).
We can stop the new school because of the turbines (still have a school in the area so what does that solve).
We are going to have a vote to rescind the debt exclusion (Not sure that is even possible, for a whole slew of reasons, but good luck trying).
Most interesting rumor - There is suggestion/effort to make the Rogers Elementary School a charter school. Assuming people can get through the whole process of getting a charter school established, I for one would be more than happy for the Town to sell the building and the portion of land associated with the original deed to them for that purpose, at fair market value.
Given the comments about the value of the building and site over the past few years, it would be a great financial windfall for the Town, while allowing a school to remain on site. Not sure this would ever happen though. Intriguing nonetheless.
If you are running for Town Meeting membership remember that the signatures you need must come from people in your precinct. If you have any doubts about your precinct boundaries, check with the Town Clerk's Office. DO NOT rely on any map from any other source.
I have seen one map out there which shows the old boundaries.
The whole reason every T.M.M. must run for election is the boundaries have been changed due to shifts in population. Its the new boundary lines you need to follow!
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