Well, I caught most of the selectmen's meeting last night. Most surprising moment of the evening, the way the meeting room emptied out after the re-organization of the board. Well let me fine tune that, and say the number of people that cl;eared out of the room.
Biggest winner of the day. Selectman Murphy.
Truth be told, and it doesn't need to be but will be, the ball had been dumped squarely in the outgoing chairman's court for nominating his successor. The ball handling on this one was pretty good. Why? Well here is the long winded version.
Protocol in this town for decades has been to rotate the chair each year handing it to the selectman next up for election.
We can argue about this, whether it is the right thing to do, whether it serves the best interest of the town, whether we get the best chair available. We can debate it over and over again. The simple fact of the matter is this has been a protocol that has worked for the most part and that has as many pluses as minuses if one cares to weigh in rationally and dispassionately.
Point blank, we do not have a government set up where there is a "first" selectman. Where there have been attempts to turn the chair into such a position, it has been through the acquiescence of one other then sitting selectman or design between two of three sitting selectmen.
The chair under our structure is a titular head. Yes under the new open meeting laws, and absent a board policy to the contrary, the chair sets the meeting agenda and runs the meetings. Sure the law in certain instances requires a signature from the chair, and in actual declared and fairly delineated emergencies grants power to the chair. That believe it or not, pretty much sums up the extra "real" authority.
Any other authority excised in the name of the "chair" essentially is by actual delegation from the board or acquiescence. In fact, the vast majority of an individual act by any member of the board, and there are plenty of those, derives its authority from delegation and acquiescence.
So why is Selectman Murphy the winner. First, he doesn't have to sit in the chair. Those who covet the chair really never grasp the true responsibility or the actual limitations. I will leave it at that.
Secondly, in my opinion he did the right thing. Not agreeing with the politics, goals or agendas (and they all have them) of a fellow selectman is not a reason to chuck the protocol. Indeed, if the standard is the lofty best interest of the town, that would have been best met by Selectman Murphy by nominating himself again for chair.
In any event, he didn't. He nominated Selectmen Espindola, who was placed in the always uncomfortable position of seconding the nomination for himself. It was a 2 to 1 vote appointment Selectman Espindola chair. Why the dissent? Never stated. What other option? Never presented.
For a town so wrapped up in its history, it seems the lessons of history are seldom every learned, at least political history.
Moving on ...
The call officially went out for those interested in filling the unexpired term for School Committee member David Gonsalves. Mr. Gonsalves passed away recently.
It seems that two people have all ready thrown their hats into the ring for the appointment. Whether there will be more remains to be seen. I am/was a bit confused about the how and deadline. Contact the selectmen's office as it seems be following a different procedure than I was aware of.
I always thought it was Section 11 of chapter 41 of the General Laws that applied. See what happens when you assume; and, that the 30 day thingy was only applicable to the special act for the BPW.
Anyway, out of time.
Be safe.
Moving on ...
The call officially went out for those interested in filling the unexpired term for School Committee member David Gonsalves. Mr. Gonsalves passed away recently.
It seems that two people have all ready thrown their hats into the ring for the appointment. Whether there will be more remains to be seen. I am/was a bit confused about the how and deadline. Contact the selectmen's office as it seems be following a different procedure than I was aware of.
I always thought it was Section 11 of chapter 41 of the General Laws that applied. See what happens when you assume; and, that the 30 day thingy was only applicable to the special act for the BPW.
Anyway, out of time.
Be safe.
It's sort of odd that there were two SC seats available during election season but the interested parties didn't come forward at that time. Now there are two interested in the seat, but WE don't get to choose one. I didn't watch the meeting, so I only know one of the interested parties. It will be interesting to see who gets the seat, and how they proceed.
ReplyDeleteWell I didn't hear the names mentioned, but just what is kind of odd about the fact that people are interested in an open seat?
DeleteIf we are concerned about people who didn't run in April that pretty much disqualifies everyone.
Reality is here is an open seat available for those interested. Both those who made a choice not to run in April because they were satisfied with the candidates; and, also those who weren't satisfied but didn't run anyway and now see this as an opportunity. If anything I would be concerned more with the second type applicant getting the seat.
In the meantime, the process is what it is.
As far as who gets the seat, I hope it is the applicant who best represents the policies and philosophy of David Gonsalves. That would be the surest way, in my mind, to insure that the will of the people who elected him was met for the duration of his term.
I suppose the seat could remain open for a year. I could live with that.
But if it is going to be filled, come as close as you can to appointing someone who will mirror its prior occupant. An impossible standard I know, however the standard that should be used, in this persons opinion.
During election season there were two available seats. I just wonder why neither of the two wanted to vie for either of those seats. Maybe it was because they were satisfied with both incumbents. Hmmmm.
DeleteI said both those who were satisfied and those who were unsatisfied.
DeleteIs it you preference we leave the seat open? As I said I could live with that personally.
The law provides a mechanism for filling it until the next annual election however.
It doesn't matter to me whether the seat is left open or filled for the remainder of his term. I would like to think that all who serve on a school committee are only working in the children's best interest. Since no one objected to the work of the newly re-elected members enough to try to replace them, and since no one can speak in exactly the same manner as Mr. Gonsalves, perhaps it would be best to leave the seat open. That might provide the closest result to as if his voice was on the board.
DeleteI always thought the board or committee in which the vacancy existed initiated the call for candidates.Maybe i am confused too.Since the selectmen"s chair is just a titular head as stated,like every other appointed town history prevails.We get what they say we need ..
ReplyDeleteHello...town counsel???
ReplyDeleteAsk town counsel for an opinion,what a novel approach,guess we all forgot about the usual position when there are questions.Why not appoint one of the runner ups from the election which were the peoples choice if they are still willing to assume the position.
DeleteWhile often elections take on the tone of nothing more than beauty contests, sorry but I don't see how losing an election should qualify you for assuming the duties of office in the event the winner is unable to serve.
Better yet, should it be the "runner up" in Mr. Gonsalves' election, the most recent one when there was a "runner-up", or how about whoever received the most write in votes this past April?
I could be a bit tempted with that concept if there had been an actual contested race this past April and it had been a squeaker. Tempted but not swayed.
Besides anything beyond this past April is too far removed to determine present "people's choice".
DeletePolitics as usual will prevail on who will get the seat.A retired teacher or whoever fall into what the schools wants with no questions asked.Or whatever thingy is ok....
ReplyDeleteBeing the fact such appointments are political appointments by nature, yes it will be politics as usual.
DeleteSincerely though, what questions do you feel should be asked?