
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clueless? Who knows, but definitely amazing

I am always amused when I see someone do something where they think they have gotten the upper hand. You know that real smug look on their face, the little jabs and barbs, and the sly grin of accomplishment.

Just always a kick, especially when you factor in just what it is all about.   I kick anyway until you look at the bigger picture.  Then I suppose it becomes a different kind of kick.  But hey, its a marathon folks.  

Life is what it is.  Amazing just what seems to be a priority issue for some, especially when you see what gets ignored over the course of a year.

It was a revelation to see how one selectmen was all most giddy over the fact that he could spend $3,150.00 for rent.

Must of asked three times about when he could get to it.  I suppose when you don't take a stand too often it is understandable.

After all it might cost up to $2,000.00 to pull off a one time move. Why spend that when the rent for a second half of the year is only $3,150.00.  Can you imagine having to spend that kind of money just to save over $6,000.00 the following year, and each year after that?

Would have loved to see his enthusiasm over the last several months when everyone else was trying to balance a budget.  Heck it would have been great to see anywhere near the same kind of effort for any budget during his tenure.  

Always great to be able to ride in on a white horse and save the day for your adoring public.  Especially once everyone else has done the hard work on all the important stuff.  

Clueless?  No, I will take that one back. Got to have a clue when you let everyone else do the work.

Maybe next year he can put his new found skills at a handling one department's budget and actually deal with the 62 other operating sections under article 4.

I for one will be looking for the same "leadership" and initiative next year. I will be looking for it throughout the entire budget process.  

I hope we will see the same effort.  The digging, the involvement, the interest.  

Enough venting at this point.

Not to fear.

I do intend to elaborate more at some point.

I have all most two years to be making the all points I intend to make on this one.

Right now, to go on I would just be saying some things that even I would regret.  It would all be true, but I would still regret the words.

Some great stuff will be coming out of Monday night though, for a long time to come.

Anyway, believe it or not the most amazing thing that happened at last night selectmen's meeting has nothing to do with tourism.  I could have called in what happened with that.

It isn't hard to predict what people will do given certain circumstances, and certain players involved, and the personality involved. 

What was truly amazing was the vote to reconsider Article 9 on the Annual Town Meeting warrant.  For those of you unfamiliar with Article 9 I will refer you to the post Fairhaven, The South Coast and More: Batting Order, Leading Off Is No. 9.

Now the Selectmen originally voted to recommend indefinite postponement on this article.  Last night, with little fanfare, and no explanation by the selectmen, there was a motion to reconsider the previous vote and then a motion to recommend yield to the petitioner.  The petitioner being the finance committee.

An article involving contract negotiations and agreements, things that involve the selectmen, indeed some of most significant matters that they will address during their tenure, and they vote as a board to recommend to yield to the petitioner.  

Don't get me wrong, I fully expect one or more of them to take an individual stand from the stage.  Something that would be a bit hypocritical at that point, given the fact that they have decided not to make a recommendation as a board, on a matter that affects them as a board, but hey maybe we can learn why the switch.

No fanfare, no explanation why when the vote to yield cam up.  Just yield.

Save the sentiment for the floor I guess.  Just surprising there was no discussion.  Wonder why?

As much as I couldn't understand the initial recommendation for indefinite postponement, this new twist is more baffling. Must be a leadership concept I don't quite grasp.

Maybe I am the one who is clueless, because I cannot understand that one at all.

Hey I am no fool.  I know what is going on behind the scenes on a number of articles.  Heck I even know who has been meeting with who planning out strategy, even when they shouldn't (and more than just the ones you have read about).  Attempting to gain the upper hand.  You got people out there jockeying with people on both sides of issues.

Expect to see a whole lot of block voting at Town Meeting folks.  As I have mentioned before this is a pivotal year.  What plays out over the course of the next two annual town meetings and the several specials in between, will dictate a great many things.

What I continue to see week in and week out only strengthens the one few remaining beliefs I have about our town government.  We absolutely need a charter commission.

We absolutely need a serious look at what goes on this in this town.

Another interesting point, and as an FYI to all community groups, if you want a free plug for a fundraiser apparently all you have to do is send in a written announcement to the board of selectmen.  

They did one last night for a group with which Selectmen Murphy has some ties.  He dutifully left the room when it came time for the announcement.  Thankfully Selectmen Bowcock was there to tell us why Selectmen Murphy was leaving the room though.

Anyway, I guess this must be something the board is willing to do for any group.  Certainly the board won't be just picking and choosing who gets a free plug. So folks send in your press releases!  Fear not, no special privileges in Fairhaven!  Don't believe me, watch the telecast, you can even hear some chatter about tickets. 

I am going to finish up at this point.   Still better not to say what is simmering beneath the surface, and before it boils over, I best take the pot off the stove.

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