
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Over Easy

Okay, kind of a "lite" post today.

I have been harping on basically the same topic of the past week.  The only relevance to today's piece is my amazement over the fact that it has gotten the attention that it has.  I think I have said it before, no way to figure out what will get people interested.

New visitors have more than doubled.  Volume of visits is up.  Average visit time is up.  Average everything is up.

Go figure.

Several things to watch for this week.  Tuesday the entire Board of Health will be meeting in a duly noticed session to discuss the complaint protocol for the operation of the wind turbines (still owe you a piece on the "moratorium article" for the special town meeting).  

Going to try and squeeze that one in on my calendar, but with what I have all ready committed to for this week, that one may have to wait for a television broadcast.  Actually and sincerely hope that they can come up with a workable plan that is satisfactory to everyone.  

Monday night the Selectmen meet for the first time in two weeks. There is an interesting item on the agenda submitted by Selectmen Espindola - "use of town resources to support private or non-profit functions".  

Have pretty much said all that needs to be said on that one, at least for now.

Less than two weeks to town meeting.  You have the chance to review the annual warrant.  I think the special is out.  Anyway, and thoughts from anyone on the articles?  Surely there is someone out there with something they want to weigh in on.

Enjoy as much of the day as you can. We are suppose to get a whole lot of much needed rain, unfortunately it seems too much all at once.  Stay safe.

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