
Friday, April 20, 2012

Tangled Update

Heard from Peter DeTerra, Chairman of the Board of Health.  Was told he was unaware of any planned meeting.  He happened to walk into the BOH office where Selectman Espindola and BOH Member Acksen were meeting.  He stated he was asked questions by the selectmen pertaining to BOH offices and alternate offices which he answered.  

So at this point, other then not turning around and walking out of a meeting where anything was being discussed, by Mr. De Terra's account he simply seems to have walked into a meeting between one selectmen and one of his fellow board members and was asked about the BOH office space and the soon to be available lab space in the basement.

So unless either of the other two parties involved want to contradict Mr. DeTerra, I will again state:
"I am not even going to touch upon the open meeting law here.  Whatever justification someone can come up with for a gathering of a quorum of an elected board, so be it.  Not a fish that needs frying here."
Raises, heightens, however you want to put it, the question of why one selectman and now one BOH member were addressing BOH office space all on their own (let's not forget some one's affiliation with the Historical Society)? 

Now to paraphrase another group and its position on such a topic I am simply asking questions, not making accusation's here. trying to bring to the forefront for discussion such matters.

Hey could turn out I am all wrong about everything.  People with get written opinions from the ethics board, release them and all will be well.  After all what is different here than what was done elsewhere previously, right?

Still a very tangled web as far as I can see.

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