
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Feast and?

Something I have really touched upon, and which was addressed Monday night by our Town leaders, are the vacancies that have recently occurred on the Board of Appeals and the Planning Board due to the resignation of an individual holding the two seats.  

The two boards are extremely important, not just in Fairhaven but in any community.  People in general do not realize the impact that decisions by these boards can have on day to day life. Sometimes that impact is isolated to a specific property owner or a neighborhood.  At other times, the decisions can be far reaching.

What brings this specific topic up for discussion today is the issue of who gets on.  

For the Planning Board seat, the decision will be a joint venture between the Selectmen and the Planning Board.  If memory serves me, the process is essentially a "combined" selection committee, with all members of each board having one vote.  At the next annual election in Town, the seat for the unexpired term I believe goes to the ballot.

Not sure who may be interested in filling the seat.  Unlike the Board of Appeals, you don't see people submitting names in advance for when a vacancy occurs for appointment.  Planning Board member is an elected position.  There will be a list of contenders soon enough.  

Hopefully a competitive one of good candidates. 

What will be interesting is the who gets appointed from any multiple pool.  I will save that talk for a later date.  

The Board of Appeals is going to be potentially a hot potato.  Several individuals have previously expressed interest for appointment to the Board when a vacancy occurs.  If you watched the selectmen meeting a few weeks ago you would have heard two names thrown out.  There may be more. If you also watched the meeting, you may have picked on what I considered to be an interesting interaction on appointment to a then not yet vacant seat.  

There are going to most definitely be cries of politics from this one.  Pay attention, because you should.

Other stuff, let's see.  

Labor Day Weekend is fast approaching.  I am going to offer a personal plug for an event that deserves it.  

The Our Lady of Angel's Feast will be held September 1, 2 and 3 in North Fairhaven at the feast grounds located on Jesse Street across from St. Mary's Church.

Being of Portuguese ancestry and having been raised in North Fairhaven, this event is a life long tradition. I can't remember a year growing up when going to the feast didn't happen.  Absent the seven year stretch when I had to leave prior to the feast for college and law school, I need less than the fingers on one hand to count the total additional times from the age of 18 on that I haven't attended.

Good Portuguese food and music with a bit of "American" stuff thrown in too (but you have got to try a cup of the rice.  Everything is good, but the rice is a definite must for me every year).  A nice procession on Labor Day.  It is what it is folks, and that is The Biggest Little Feast" you can find.

Keep it in mind.

Take care and enjoy a safe day.

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