
Friday, August 17, 2012

It should never be optional

It is Friday (I know, another brilliant observation on my part). Always worth noting though. The end of the traditional work week.  

I forgot to mention yesterday the amazing bee chronicle at the Millicent Library.  Some nice pictures in the Fairhaven Neighborhood News of the guests which were removed.  Oh if it were only that easy to remove those who have overstayed their visits at Town buildings.

Today's Standard Times has a story on the drama evolving from New Bedford over the City Council Pay raises.  The Council took a vote to override the Mayor's veto, 9 -1.

Measure the salary in today's dollars, the council raise isn't out of whack for an inflation adjustment.  Politically speaking, if you are going to do it, do it in a non-election year for the council.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, voters seem to have short memories on such matters.

Are they worth it?  It certainly can be justified in an hours put in argument. 

There were a lot of arguments made by the council to support the raise based on the job.  But there in lies the dilemma.  Should it be looked at as a job? 

Bottom line, the ultimate decision will be had by the voters in New Bedford about 14 months from now, assuming it remains the same issue it is today.

The other piece in the S-T that I found really puzzling today was the "Our View" concerning the Governor's Council. It really was a bit confusing, in the end.

I absolutely agree that the Governor's Council as an elected body should go.  I agree with the underlying premise that no candidate should avoid a debate or the press. 

One could get a finger cramp typing away about how the the Brothers Cipollini run their campaigns.  Pretty reminiscent of "old time" politics actually.  The political junkie should have no doubt it was a political move to miss the debate.

What baffles me are the last two paragraphs.

While The Standard-Times continues to believe that the Governor's Council is both expensive and obsolete and needs to be disbanded, we also recognize that a lot of voters will continue to vote in this silliest of political campaigns. 
And, if you are one of those voters who believes you must vote to put someone from District 1 on the council, it's really as easy as ABC: Anybody but Cipollini.
No bafflement about the ABC statement.  A catchy old time pol thing. 

But is it just me or does this read like an endorsement not to vote for the office period?  

Sorry, but those are the kind of statements that actually allow those old time political moves to work.  I know a lot of people who think the Governor's Council is expensive and obsolete and needs to be disbanded, again myself included.  

Until it is though, we need to continue to encourage people to actually go out and vote for the actual candidate we think best suited to sit.  

I mean you just told people it is actually okay not to vote.

When you encourage apathy, you shouldn't complain about what you get.

As a self-proclaimed political junkie, to me such statements do more harm than good. 

When should any elected office be looked at, even by implication, as one you don't really need to vote for?

On the whole, as much as I might gripe about the rates, coverage and opinions, I like the S-T.  I am extremely glad this area is able to maintain a daily newspaper. I get ticked off at myself on the days I actually don't read the hard copy and solely rely on the web version and dread the potential in the future that the actual paper may in fact disappear.

This is the first time I can honestly say I think a true disservice to all readers, and voters, has occurred.  I don't think I have ever before been so dumbfounded by something in the editorial section.

It shouldn't be about whether a race is worthy of your vote.  

As obsolete as many offices and positions are in the Commonwealth and its political sub-divisions, who gets elected to those offices is extremely important.  If this was not a fact, what would be the point in the piece about a candidate skipping a debate in the first place?

The actions of our elected officials in whatever antiquated position can indeed have a profound affect on us all, as somewhat noted in the S-T.  

When you go to the polls the ABC lesson you should bring with you is an informed decision to vote for All the Best Candidates.

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