
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Very Fairhaven Wednesday!

I was going to further address the Brown/Warren debate and senate race today.  I did however get a chance to watch the selectmen's meeting. Since the Brown/Warren circus is going to be running through November, and the next debate isn't for a few weeks, there is plenty of time to deal with that show under the big tent.  

I haven't really been in a critique mood lately on the side shows going on in Town.  Watching the selectmen's meeting is always a reminder of the fact that the show under the smaller tents can be just as entertaining as the one under the big top.

In the wonders never cease category, the Town of Fairhaven finally has put out to bid the contract for the annual financial audit. We will have a new auditing firm.  This has been a bone of contention for years, and I do mean years.  

I have always been baffled by the resistance to putting the audit work out to bid; to the battle to adopt the concept of changing auditing firms periodically.  Finally, for whatever reason, the resistance has been replaced with acceptance of what is recognized as a sound financial management practice.

Rather than rant about what was, I will simply wonder in awe as to what finally is.

The best was saved for last at the meeting.  I am not going to get into the details.  Some things you just have to watch for yourself.  From what I saw, you really do need to watch it, and I need to see the end.

Really, you do.  The allegation of another possible hate crime. Just thrown out there for dramatic effect I think.  From the same person who a few weeks ago raised the issue before another board about a possible terrorist attack on the wind turbines.

I must be mellowing in my old age, because I could rip into this this one like a pack of kids going after presents on Christmas morning, but I won't.  First of all nothing should be that easy.

Secondly, well I will keep that one to myself.

While we are on Town matters, there was an article in the S-T yesterday about the attempt to have a public hearing on wind turbine noise.  I sure this will go over like a ton of bricks with some, but is this a public hearing to bring to light new information to the Board of Health that hasn't been raised previously?

Because if it is not, what's the point?  

I think Windwise has made it pretty clear in the past at other public hearings and at public meetings its position on what people are going through.  I think numerous individuals have stated in the past, at public hearings, their fears, concerns and complaints.

I am all for a public hearing that is intended to bring to light something new. Will it?

This is a matter to keep in mind folks.  The hottest election in April in Town isn't going to be the selectman's race.  Trust me.  It is going to be the seat on the Board of Health.

As to the turbines specifically, the sound test is still the biggest thing on how this issue plays out long term.

Last year, I tried to stay neutral blogging.  I don't think that is going to happen again.  I really don't.  

On another issue, one I do intend to continue to harp on, over and over again, is the policy in this Town that gives preferential treat to some not for profits.  The continuing poster child for this rant is the historical society.      

There will come a time when this blogger is nothing more than just a private citizen residing in the Town of Fairhaven.  When that time comes, that is when the real fun will start.  Until then, I will just continue to chip away at the facade, or should I say farce, that continues to be allowed and tolerated.

I do think however I am going to replace the tiny rock hammer with a 5 lb hand held sledge.

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