
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday's Titillating Tidbits (and rants)

If you haven't been following the recent flap over the CNN revelations of the personal journal of assassinated Ambassador Stevens, your are missing out on a bit of high drama.  Seems like the State Department is none to pleased that the media is actually doing some reporting for once.

You should take a moment to look at he report in The Huff Post or numerous other sources.  If you can, read the e-mail chain on BuzzFeed. Now we are talking about CNN here.  The closest thing to neutral on cable.

Amazing just what a little bad press can do for one's disposition.

Seems things are going just about as well for the admin throughout the world.  The day of love called for in Pakistan was anything but.  Kind of hard to figure that one out.  I mean seriously, declare a day of love on moment, and then place a $100,000.00 bounty on someone head the next.

The $70,000.00 "peace" ads didn't work I guess.  

Good guesses though by the administration on the not terrorist but mob action, now terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya.  Seems that it is not giving up the line it was tied into the mob action. It was just an attack that took advantage of the opportunity.  One seemingly planned out waiting for an opportunity though.

As reported on ABC News Political Punch
Asked today by the hosts of ABC’s “The View” if the deadly assault on the US consulate in Benghazi was a “terrorist attack,” President Obama said that “there is no doubt that the kind of weapons that were used, the on-going assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action.”
The same exact rationale used by multiple, numerous, indeed just about every single one outside of government, commentators to draw the same conclusion, the day after.

Be careful asking about it though.  Those e-mail responses are a bit edgy. 

It is going to be an interesting week at the U.N.  I am sorry, but to even be considering a world wide "Blasphemy" standard, among other things, is mind boggling.  

While I am on a foreign policy rant, if you have got time to jet to New York to tape Letterman, and if you have got time to tape an appearance on "The View", you should have the time to meet with world leaders one on one.   Yes you have telephones, but not quite the same as a face to face is it.

You did it last year.  Why not this year?

Oh wait! You don't meet with them when you don't want to have a chance at another foreign policy screw up.  Nothing politically to be gained from the meeting, and the potential for a major SNAFU is just too big.

Locally, it seems the Fairhaven High School students have the earliest snow day on record.  Due to an unexpected fall of fine white granular, indoors only and apparently from multiple fire extinguishers, school for the high school was cancelled Monday.

It seems two youths at a tournament/game of some kind (held on school grounds by a private entity) managed to get into the main section of the high school, and set off the extinguishers.  The how it happened, should it have happened, and I am sure a host of other questions will be discussed and tossed around.

The fact is that it did happen.  It is has the makings of a sad commentary on so many levels.

But for today, that's all the commentary on it I am willing to unleash on that particular topic.

Be prepared for a shift in tactics on the senate race.  It is becoming clear that the race isn't going to be fought over electing the best person to represent the Commonwealth anymore.  The signs are ever more prevalent that in the home stretch, that the left is turning this into an "us vs. them".  

The Washington Post has a nice piece on the change in tactics by both sides.

The whole scenario becomes absurd in logic when you look at the nationwide, even statewide mentality.

Barney Frank endorsing the incumbent in the 6th Congressional district.  The opponent, is an openly gay Republican.  The rationale, electing the openly gay challenger would actually be a step back because the Republicans, if they get control of the House won't allow for a gay agenda.  Heaven forbid someone be elected who might actually become an active voice within the other party to effectuate change.

It would seem to me that despite beliefs held by others to the contrary, the surest way to get change, is to elect people who will fight for change from within. Least we forget, it was not all that long ago when neither party embraced gay rights.  

It is simply time to stop judging the merits of a candidate based upon what you believe someone else might do.  If you don't think the candidate is up to the task, say so.  Don't sell me that ration that I should   not vote for someone because of a third person.  

We all ready have plenty of sheep and wolves dressed in sheep's clothing in congress.  I want a herding dog, not another member of the flock.

What makes this one doubly confounding is the fact that when you look at the details surrounding that particular race, you really have to scratch your head as to why someone would vote for Tierney, other than the (D) after his name.

The biggest farce is throwing up the red herring that voting Tisei against Tierney could result in a GOP controlled Congress.  The balance of power in the Senate is up for grabs.  No one is predicting the Democrats to re-gain control of the House of Representatives, no one except Barney Frank that is.

I would absolutely love to see a ban of political parties.  I would even support the ban for Citizen United type money, if it included all the political super packs, the union pacs, the not-for-profit pacs and just plain all pacs.  Heaven help us all if we ever were forced to simply decide an election based on what the candidates themselves stood for.

I know it is a bit unrealistic to wish along those lines.  Kind of like hoping for money from the tooth fairy after your parents have realized you stopped believing in the Easter Bunny.


  1. You mean there's no Easter Bunny?

  2. Just none for those of us who get get coal in their stockings. As you know that only happens for those who are Right, right?


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