
Monday, October 1, 2012

As thin as a Monday newspaper.

ALERT!  If you don't enjoy satire, can't laugh at your political position, or simply lost your sense of humor, don't follow the link below, but ...

If you want a few chuckles, can stand to be poked at, and enjoy the pokes taken at the other side, take a look at the Real Clear Politics cartoons of the week.

There is a letter in The standard Times today about independents, how Scott Brown isn't one, etc. I just bring it up as a note, as it references Joe Liberman as a true "independent".  This is the Connecticut Senator retiring after this term.  He was elected as a "true independent" in 2006.  In fact he became a "true independent" right after the 2006 Democratic primary for the senate race in Connecticut.

That would be the one in which he ran for the Democratic primary, have serving multiple terms as senator, after being a V.P. candidate, and he lost the nomination.  His independent conversion was one of necessity not political philosophy.  He wasn't "left" enough for the party.  Indeed, he was in fact too "independent".

I like Liberman.  Don't always agree with him, but I like him.

He is however an independent in formal affiliation  only because his own party threw him out.  Let us not forget that little tidbit.

The Globe has a new poll showing Warren with a 43% to 38% lead over Brown and with the undecided at 18%.  Remarkable in that all other polls in the last month have the undecided between 6% and 11%.  The 4.4% margin of error for the poll, means even with the spread in the results, it is considered a statistical dead heat.  I don't buy the 18% undecided, but hey it makes news.

The second debate for the race is tonight at 7:00 P.M.  Watch, listen and hopefully learn something from the candidates.

Will need to tape the selectmen's meeting I guess.  The agenda reveals a view matters perhaps worth a peak.

That's all I got time for today.  Take care and be safe.

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