
Friday, October 12, 2012

Second Fiddles Playing First Chair

The two people playing second fiddle in the Presidential election got a promotion last night to First Chair.  How did they do?

Well, as always it is a matter of opinion, always influenced by your political slant.  I tend to think that the findings from the CNN flash poll and the comments from the collective talking heads in the round table discussion post debate, are pretty reflective of the actual outcome.

Except for the rabid fanatics on both sides, the consensus seems to be a draw of the substance, with a win to Ryan on style.

Measuring it all out, it would be pretty much a draw.

Biden needed to put a band-aid on the gash ripped open after the first presidential debate resulting from Obama's self inflicted wound. The siting Vice-President did that.

Ryan needed to show to the country he wasn't some foaming at the mouth, rabid right wing extremist.  He needed to present himself to the public as more than one dimensional.  He needed to establish himself as not just willing, but ready and able to the task which he seeks.

Outside of the foaming at the mouth, rabid left wing extremist, it seemed there was a definite consensus among the talking heads that Ryan, as did Biden, did the job needed to be done during this debate.

What did you, and I mean the collective you, think?  As I said:
A snap CNN-ORC International poll showed voters who watched Thursday's debate narrowly favored Ryan over Biden by 48%-44%, a statistically even result after GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney scored a clear debate victory over Obama.
CNN's words, not mine.  To read an overview of the CNN take on the debate, and facts and figures on the post debate "findings", start here and then explore the site.

Again, as an FYI, I tend to use CNN as a reference for such things as it is the closest thing to neutral I can find in the media.

Based on the CNN data though Ryan did pull a narrow win from the debate.  the breakdowns are very interesting.  In fact the same seem to be at great odds with the social media PR.

As another FYI, this debate changes little by way of "convincing" the undecided.  The biggest effect of the debate though is Biden's performance was indeed another Obama bailout.

The polls have been shifting back toward a dead heat, as of close of business yesterday, Romney's post debate bump had been settling, and the compilation of polls showed a .7% lead.  I expect you will see from now through the next presidential debate a fluctuation where this figure goes back and forth.

Take former President Clinton off the stage at the DNC, in my opinion the post bump would have been minimal.  Indeed Clinton did more for Obama than any other speaker.

If Biden had had a poor performance last night, the Obama campaign would still be heading toward the rocks.

From this point on, Obama's future rests on Obama's shoulders and Tuesday looms large.

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