
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The right fringe is routinely condemned for its lack of tolerance for the beliefs of those who disagree with it.  The right fringe is vilified because of its lack of acceptance of the lives led by others.  It is ridiculed for its seemingly contradictory stances.

But the lack of tolerance is not an affliction suffered only by the conservative.  One need only read the mean spirited, at times vile, and often contradictory comments posted on numerous sites from those on the left to realize that.

If there is any doubt whatsoever that the lack of tolerance "afflicts" the far left with the same intensity and quite frankly the same level of ignorance suffered by all extremest, one need only look at the unbelievable responses to the "tweet" endorsement of Romney by actress Stacy Dash.  If you haven't heard about it, just Google the name "Stacy Dash".

Bigoted, hateful, chauvinistic, ignorant, hypercritical, intolerant commentary. All from the left.  All which have been occurring on a regular basis.  These are not traits any one side has a monopoly on.

I have said it before, we are a nation of 1/3s.  The far left, the far right and the middle.  The middle is stuck with deciding which candidate comes closest to insuring that their position isn't going to get steamed rolled by the far side.

I was immediately reminded of the quote I have used from Winston Churchill when the Dash tweet and reaction made the headlines:

“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”
Don't people understand that such attacks as were made on Stacy Dash do nothing but act as cannon fodder.  Do they not get the idea that such expressions of intolerance do nothing to aid a position?

The masses have a write to disagree with this woman's choice and position.  They actually have the free speech right to express themselves the way they did. But to paraphrase and oft use line: Just because you have a right to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do.

There are many competing theories to why this race is so close.  The reality is neither candidate has established himself to be the leader this country needs.  We just passed the 4 week mark until the election.  Poll arrows are zigzagging so much I am surprised we don't see sailor's knots on the charts.

I ran across a piece the other day I wished I had booked marked.  I think it was in the Washington Post.  I didn't agree with everything in it, but what struck me was the concept of "Gravitas", and the premise that this is what is going to decide the election.  I think the writer hit that nail squarely on the head.  

1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of courage to state an opinion about any subject, political, or other. People often have strong emotional, if not always rational, reasons for believeing one way or another.
    But it is through research, formal debate, and respectful conversations that we continue to learn things that might convince us to change our minds, or strengthen our initial positions.
    I have a lot of respect for people who place a political sign on their lawn, even when it's for a candidate I oppose. It makes me think about my motives before I vote.


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