
Monday, November 12, 2012

Some odd stuff and an end or two

Well, just about a week after the election and it seems both sides are in their respective corners, buckets of paint and brushes in hand, and rather than starting to paint the floor from one end to the door, they are painting from the middle backward.  They are going to soon find themselves painted into corners.

When you throw out a rope to help save someone from drowning, it might be best not to form the loop at the end as a hangman's noose.  It might cause one to think about whether this is actually an actual rescue plan.

Speaking of plans, we are still awaiting the report from DOR relative to the Town.  That report will for the basis of how the Selectmen go about filling the now vacant Director of Finance position.  the biggest good that has come out of events occurring in Town the last year or so is a let's call it willingness to at least assess the status quo and see what might need to be done with it.  

Whether that willingness will equate into real change remains to be seen.

Where do we go from here will depend on many things.  Obviously the recommendations will play a large part.  Attitudes and perceptions within exiting town government and the populace will then hold sway.  

The biggest impediment to any change is inertia. It is always there.  From the decision on what copier to buy to the plan on what will be better, the tendency is attempt to maintain the status quo, no matter how bad it is perceived to be.

Shifting gears a bit ...

I have taken a few days off from blogging, and may very likely take a few more.  At least for the immediate future, the drive, even the inclination of keeping up a daily pace just isn't there right now.  Not that there isn't plenty to blog about.

All ready seeing advertisements for town election related cocktail parties.  Rumors are being to also pick up on that front.    

Plenty of town stuff one could jump into:  The anticipate judicial decision on the turbine lease;  the upcoming special town meeting; the upcoming budget.  I guess I am in my need a blogging break mode.

I suppose sooner or later something will jump out that grabs my fancy, and I will be off on a rant.  For right now, there isn't anything that causes me to start jumping though.

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