
Monday, December 3, 2012

A Day Late (maybe two)

This was intended to post Saturday morning.  Never quite finished it but, I think the links are worth having out there.  So, here it is a day or two late.

One thing I want to highlight today is the Old Time Holiday weekend to be held December 7 - 9 in our fair Town.  This is a great event.  It has been for a number of years.  It is a credit to our little haven.  While it doesn't draw the crowds that Homecoming does, maybe with time it will.

As advertised, it is a collaborative effort between nonprofits, coordinated by The Office of Tourism (check out the link for a complete schedule of events).

Now that the niceties have been given top billing for once, let's move on ...

I was asked what I thought about the DOR report, was it good or bad?  It is both.  The good:  we are in solid financial shape, past practices have served us well to this point.  The bad:  those past practices aren't going to be enough going forward, and not all practices fall into the well serving category; and, and if one reads the report carefully I will state, in my opinion, it is time for e major tune-up.  The vehicle may be running, but there is a definite need for maintenance.

I will leave it at that for now.  By the way, you can find the DOR report for download on the Town web site.

Also, the special town meeting warrant has made it there too.

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