Well The Fairhaven Neighborhood News finally made it on line. Click the link to the access page for this week's edition. You will also find a link to a copy of the Judge's decision in the wind turbine lawsuit.
Additionally, there are two turbine related articles. One about the decision. The second piece concerns an IEEE meeting held in Westport concerning turbines. After reading the article, I was a bit remorseful I didn't attend. Seems it may have been an interesting meeting. It is very tempting to address what appeared in the article, but it also really wouldn't be fair to do so.
Let's switch gears ...
Monday's selectmen's meeting should be interesting. There is a joint meeting with the Planning Board to fill the two existing vacancies. If I understand it correctly, you have "one" committee consisting of the Planning Board members and the Selectmen (if I have the numbers right, a total of nine people), each with an equal vote.
There is also scheduled discussions relative to the DOR report in general, and also with concerning the DOR recommendations relative to the treasurer and tax collector's positions. Reviewing the Notice/Agenda there are a few other items that could provide some interesting discussion.
As to the DOR report, real discussion and decisions are going to require more than setting aside time blocks on a bi-weekly meeting, in my humble opinion. I think our BOS realize this, at least I hope they do. I also hope we will see a game plan outlined come Monday evening on how to address the report, its recommendations and what to do relative to coming to a decision on matters.
As a point of information, the Fairhaven report from DOR is now on-line on the DOR/DSL website. It also has been on the town website for several weeks.
Again, I urge everyone to read it. It is a near certainty that some of the things in the report will be dealt with, and probably many will be in some fashion.
Anyhow, back to the future, being Monday night.
Listed under executive session is the topic "personnel book issues". How issues concerning the personnel book fall under the executive session exceptions to the open meeting law is beyond my comprehension. Issues with personnel do fall under the exception, but issues with the personnel book? I am sure there is a reason, just I cannot figure one out.
Oh well, we shall see.
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