
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Just a quick note or two

It is Thursday morning.  Being a creature of habit I go to the Fairhaven Neighborhood News site to read this weeks edition.  Two weeks in a row, no paper.  Winter hiatus.  I mean seriously. Actually, in all seriousness, hope BD is enjoying her winter vacation.

All right, seems we have officially entered Town election season. I have to be at Town Hall this afternoon, and will be making my first official check of the candidates book.  I will give you an update of the unofficial ballot after I review the "book".

For me, and I know this is all ready sounding like a broken record, the top issue in the campaign for selectmen is whether Fairhaven should adopt a strong Town administrator/manager for of government.  Others may disagree, and certainly there will be other issues, but there are none that exceed the importance of this (again, in my opinion).  

Top issue number two in the selectmen's race, and again a sound bite on a broken record, it whether the Board of PW eliminated.  This is also the number one issue in any race for a position on that board.  It may well be that those running for a Commissioner's seat will feel otherwise, however it is nonetheless an important and the key issue.  

In the other races, if there will be any:  Bd. of Health, the top issue will I think be the wind turbines.  

School Committee:  what will the issue be, not certain at this point.

Planning Board:  well there is the proposed by-law.  Wish people would send stuff for publishing.  Received a couple of good comments/insights, however, since there were sent on the old "QT", that is where they stay at this point. Could be interesting, assuming there are any actual contested races.

What seemed just several months ago to promise to be another very interesting year isn't quite shaping up that way.  Still very early though.  It is extremely possible and more than just plausible that things might heat up a bit.  PKS is what I say.

The next few weeks hold promise, if nothing else.  Lots of meetings, lots of ideas I am sure, and people making a decision or two.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to give you withdrawal symptoms, John. We're back in business for next week. I'm working on that issue now. Working on a couple of rants, too....should be fun.

    See ya,


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