
Thursday, February 21, 2013

No Surprises

Okay, before I get any comments relative to using "cute" in discussing a town official, let me not I was referencing the "Q" quotient (also referred to as the "Q" rating, score, index and on and on).  It is a measure used to rate popularity/name recognition and similar factors.  See the article in The Fairhaven Neighborhood News on the Fin Com meeting, strike out "cute" and insert "Q".  Better yet, and as always, make sure to watch the tape of the meeting.

I may have to take The Code's advice.

While you are at it, there is a piece in that paper on the contested races in town.  Mainly just a run down of the races.  We will have four this year.  The seats for Selectman, Board of Health, Planning Board's unexpired term and School Committee will be contested races.

As I told you yesterday, I fell asleep during the Tuesday Night special edition of the Selectmen's Meeting.    Seems while I was lights out on the couch, I nonetheless crept into the thought process at the meeting.  I won't do a play by play, as again I haven't seen the meeting.  

Let me just say any statements about the need for communication, consensus building and wider involvement I have been making, have been made here before, in other public forums and are pretty fairly outlined also in the DOR report and in the various recommended policy and procedure documents DOR provides for guidance.  Let me also add that it should come as no surprise to anyone involved in town government that there is a communication problem.  

The fact people are aware of the problem, and apparently have been reading the information everyone has been telling them to read shouldn't be a shock.  

The fact we have an elected official aware of the problem should be something we stand up and applaud.

Short and sweet today.  Be safe!

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