
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Plug

Well I read the S-T this morning.  I am going to pretend I didn't.  

So what is the plug?

The at-large seat for Finance Committee is open.  While I intended to note this sometime next week, I have all ready received several inquiries about the position.

This is the one seat that isn't appointed by precinct chairs.  The appointment is made by the Chairs of the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee and Town Moderator.  Yes, I know I have ranted in the past about such an appointing committee.  Nonetheless, this is the present status of the town code for this particular position.

The procedural details as far as deadlines for appointment and the meeting to be held have not yet been firmed up.  Since people are presently asking however about what to do, and using the most recent protocol established, I would note that candidates most likely will be asked to submit a written statement of interest, identifying themselves and where they live (for contact and "residency" establishment), with their telephone number and e-mail address if possible (for contact purposes).  The statement should include some information as to why they want to serve and why they feel they are qualified.  It should be submitted to the Selectmen's Office, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719, ATTN: Fin. Comm. At-Large Member, Appointment Committee.

The actual firm qualifications?  You need to be an adult resident of the Town of Fairhaven, registered to vote (the code says appointed from the voters for precinct appointment and apply the same standard for the at large).  What you cannot be though is:
an employee of the town or who holds an elective or appointive position in the town government, whether or not the employment or position carries any salary or compensation, except Town Meeting members elected under Section 2 of Chapter 285 of the Acts of 1930 and except appointed members of any advisory or ad hoc committees. Section 33-8, TOWN CODE.
Be a really good thing if that "committee" had to make a tough choice, wouldn't it?

That's all I have time for today.  As always, be safe.

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