
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Schools Out, Apparently Until the Summer

Okay, so I am having a little fun with the title.  It is suppose to be nasty this morning as far as commute time in the A.M.  Making the decision for school closing on days like today is one of hose things that has to fall under the "you are wrong, not matter what" category.  Dimes for dollars if the forecast holds, by release time today, people are going to say what was the big deal, not to mention if the morning impact doesn't impact as expected.

What the heck, if the weather forecast for Monday evening was bad enough to cancel a selectmen's meeting, this morning's mornings forecast is certainly just a bad.

Ever hear of the "place holder" article.  You probably have read about it.  The concept:  deadline to submit articles for the annual is usually lat January.  Exact date fluctuates, however late January year in and year out.

Are there at times legitimate reasons for place holder articles? Yes there are.  If you are going to be seeking funding for a project and are putting it out to bid so you can have the real figures for Town Meeting would be once such matter.  

The biggest problem with place holders, dealing with some of them when in fact they are no longer place holders, but real "articles".  But we muddle through, we always do, because that is what we do.  That and continue to complain about a process that never changes.

Anyway, I just realized that this piece I started about 6 hours ago never was finished.  Anything I can add here?

Probably, but no time to do it.  Take care and take it easy cleaning up the weather mess.  With any luck it gets washed away. Not counting on it though.

Be safe.


  1. Do you really think the STM articles will be the same as we received them an no changes will be presented on the night of. This might be a small miracle ,but only time will tell.We can all predict the weather the day after,monday morning quarterbacks.

    1. Ain't talking about STM articles and amendments to language, which unfortunately most don't even realize are begin amended. Problem is most STM articles usually have no business being on a STM. This town should seriously look at two annuals. One on fall, one in May. May should be for budgets. Any special within the annual should be solely for current fiscal year business. The fall should be for all the stuff everyone ends up trying to throw on the specials. Pet peeve, maybe. Disagree certainly if you want to.

  2. Look at the bright side of a Wednesday snow day- Thursday will feel like Monday, and Friday will feel like Tuesday...Then it's the weekend already. : )

  3. Miss quote on the article question ,should have said both STM an TM,and you are correct they are really not special articles.


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