
Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday morning

One week from today folks, we vote in the town election.  Starts at 10:00 A.M. Polls close at 8:00 P.M.  Yes that start time is correct. I know all of the regulars here know these tidbits for the election, and don't need reminding.

So anyone out there willing to say who they are voting for?  Why?

The board of health race will get down to one thing for most people, again.  The turbines.  You know that, I know that, the candidates certainly know that.  You can wrap it up in with other duties, functions, responsibilities, training, etc., most people are still going to vote on the candidates stance on the turbines.

Indeed, the next several races for this office, if races materialize will have that component.  

The selectmen's race is, well it is contested.  There is nothing on the radar to indicate any upset victory.  There shouldn't be anything appearing on the radar to indicate such an event either.  

That being said, there always remains a reason why we hold these things.  Although there seems to be a heck of a lot more interest in next years race than the one next week, for both the same offices to boot.  

Might be nice to hear though a bit more bite on the issues.  I would like to know for example: if you wouldn't have spent the $400K so you could sock it away for a truck, what you wouldn't have spent it on last year. Indeed what wouldn't you spend that same $400,000 on this year. Wait, this year it would be 2/3s less not to be raised so it would be another $133,333 to be removed.

Personally, I know one or two things that wouldn't have happened if that $400K was not there. The same one or two things that didn't happen the year before because the $400K that should have been there wasn't.

The bottom line is extremely important, even in the government business.  So when you start thinking about what that bottom line should be, you need to start thinking about what you don't do to get to a preferred bottom line.  That thought process also has to involve how you intend to maintain that bottom line year in and year out.

Anyway ... 

Five weeks to Town Meeting.  That's where the bottom line gets dealt with.

It ain't likely that you can make a pitch to tax to the max, save and cut so you don't have to cut as much in subsequent years.  

When and if we get a capital planning committee off the ground; when and if we see that committee start to work and plan; when and if we see something more than a less than well defined budgetary concept, but an actual game plan; and, when and if that game plan actually laying all the cards out on the table; that is when you will see consensus start  to build. 

It will be a very important Town Meeting involving matters of extreme importance.  Whether we will see consensus form between now and then is way out of the range of my crystal ball at this. If one shoots from the hip, the solutions are obvious and easy.  Get rid of the BPW and adopt the Town Administrator act.

Of course some shooting from the hip might suggest the easy solution is leave the BPW alone and adopt a Town Administrator act, so long as the TA continues to hold the hand of the BPW like it has been held since we adopted the Executive Secretary position.  

We all may want to take a bit more aim to shoot at the target and make sure we hit it though.  First step in that process is this Thursday night I believe.  The Town Government Study Committee will be holding a public forum on its recommendations.

The articles can be found on the warrant for the annual. Presumably this is what you will be voting on.  Heaven help Town Meeting if the individual amendments start piling on.  

Town Meeting Members need to be extremely familiar with the articles for the TA and BPW (nos. 15 and 31).  There is the technology committee one thrown in there somewhere too.  Another one will been on the special wanting Town Meeting blessing for another year of existence and another $5,000.00 for the committee. 

You need to pay attention here folks, whether you are for or against the ideas in concept.  Either way you should be familiar with the articles.  You should know what is being proposed.  You should be basing your stand on what is going to be voted on, not simply what you hear on the street or read about.

Personally, a number of the articles will have to be looked at and decided upon the issue of whether this is as good as it gets in the first instance; and, whether it is anywhere near good enough next.

One or two treasure vs. garbage articles, as always.  A couple of head scratches will be in order for a couple of them I am sure.

And that is all the surface scratching that can be accomplished today.

Stay dry. Be safe.


  1. For Louise Barteau -NOT because of the turbine issue. If the current board has done everything possible to alleviate the situation, then what can she do? I'm voting against 'experience' but I'm voting for approachability and calm demeanor. I have no doubt if L.B wins, she will quickly bring herself up to speed.

    Selectman? What to do? What to do? Tempted to vote for the challenger. Again voting against experience. Honestly, I think the incumbent will win, so it's a chance make him aware he's not on solid ground with everyone.

    School committee -leaving both blank. Not worth the effort of coloring in an oval. We got a new school but there's more to educating the kids than that.

  2. We’ve got a bit too much cronyism for such a small town and too many of the folks sitting on boards and in authority here have a bit too much disdain for the general citizen. Sometimes, cleaning house is the best move, other times the baby goes out with the bathwater. You asked for opinions on who we’re voting for, well here goes:

    Barteau gets my vote for BOH. I’m a pro-turbine person, and am uncomfortable with her vocal stand against the turbines and the junk science the detractors cite against them, but the BOH is not a one issue board - far from it. And I feel that this board in particular has fallen into the small town trap where members entrusted by the citizens to protect their health provide special consideration to their friends. The BOH needs a fresh member who is not entrenched in town.

    Murphy gets my vote for the BOS. Charlie has proven he truly cares about this town and has maintained his integrity where many others have become cynical and self-serving. I do feel, however, he’s wrong on Pay-per-throw, and at least needs to take more of a lead on addressing a solution. I might not always agree with the current troika, and feel that they can be a bit wishy washy, but we are fortunate that the board we have is better than certain boards of the past.

    On The Issues:
    - Adopt a TA - I’m totally in favor, BUT have to agree that this should go to a general vote even though TM has the authority. Simply too drastic a power shift to leave to TM who’s representation typically is skewed in favor of whichever group has a big budget or contract up for a vote that year.
    - Yes, please eliminate the BPW, one of the poster children for cronyism and favored treatment in this town.
    - Budget process, restraint, and accountability recommendations - bring-em on, bring them ALL on. Only those are able to work the holes in the current system will balk at instituting sane, systematic improvements to the current flawed process.

  3. Sane systematic changes to our present system would be a start in the right direction to solve some of the evident problems in the town. Doing nothing or leaving what we have the same is not an option.Lets see what the town meeting members do to solve any or none of our problems.


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