Starting off today where I left off yesterday with a little tidbit though. Again, not an original thought. It has been expressed many times, by many people, for a very long time. Just as valid though today as the very first time it was stated.
Just because we have the right to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do.
Agree or disagree?
Why is this important?
First of all hindsight. That little thing with 20/20 vision, admittedly often as a result of wearing corrective lenses put on the face of one's individual perception, shows at least to this viewer numerous things done under that "bold" concept of having the right to do it, and turning out to be, if not the incorrect thing, not the wisest thing.
I bet there are a number of matters we could all point out that would fall under that category.
History is what it is. Most importantly history indeed should provide a lesson to learn from. but it is not history we are discussing today, it is the future.
Point blank question to each and everyone of you out there. Do you feel your form of government should be changed by the people you elect to govern you? In this case it would be town meeting.
Make no mistake about it, no matter how anyone wraps up the changes, those changes will result in a fundamental change in your government.
Make no mistake about this point either: I absolutely, 100% believe this town needs a Board of Selectmen - Strong Town Administrator form of government. No doubt in my mind. No ache in my heart. No pain in my gut. No conflict at all that this is what is needed.
Whatever the final proposal for the Town Administrator is, I am more inclined to believe, or sincerely hope, that I would be able to support the totality of the provisions under which we would be governed. I probably won't agree with every single bit and piece, but I doubt anyone will be.
The nuances aside, I will be hoping for a total package that can be supported. While the possibility of numerous attempts at amendment from the floor exists, you won't see any of them coming from me. something like this needs to be voted up or down. All the tinkers, tailors and candlestick makers, along with the Philadelphia lawyers, should curtail there arguments to why you should vote this up or down.
The little changes running through your head should be thought out as to effect on the totality. It should be like a constitutional amendment. Here it is. Yes or no.
Like a constitutional amendment, it should take more than a vote of the governing body proposing it. It doesn't though. The little quirks and nuances of procedure and law will allow for the law to be changed simply by the vote of Town Meeting with passage of a special act by the legislature. There is a legal right to proceed that way. It has been confirmed I am told, and I have no reason to doubt it nor the inclination to even attempt do so.
We have a right to go to a strong Town Administrator and going to a strong Town Administrator is in fact the right thing to do. Indeed, as a member of a committee require to look at matters affecting town finances, no more important article has ever been presented in my tenure than this one. No article has ever been presented during that time which could affect the operations of this town financially and operationally in a more positive manner. I have yet to hear, and do not expect to hear, any argument which would alter that belief.
But from a purely personal opinion, accepting that the there is a right to do it this way, I nonetheless do take great exception to the method of adoption being the right thing to do.
There will be more on this. For today, that is all the personal time there is.
Be safe.
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