
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Always the 95% rule, or is it a 5% solution?

I have been trying to get pulse on the town administrator/BPW articles for the annual. 

Biggest complaint to date, not enough information.  Steadfast response: the warrant is on line, take a look at the articles.  The minutes and agendas for the study committee are online, review them. The meetings have been taped, go to the government access on demand and watch them.  The committee has its own web site, look it over. Up until last Thursday, told people to go to the 4/3/2014 meeting for the "review/presentation" by the committee.  Next one I believe is scheduled for 4/17/2014.  And as a note I will add, Fin Com will be addressing the articles on 4/10/2014.

The information and ability to stay informed is out there.  There is no escaping that fact.

That aside, neither can we escape certain other facts.  Not everyone has internet access.  Not everyone is equally computer savvy. Not everyone can make Thursday night meetings. Not everyone, unfortunately, gives a hoot to stay informed in advance.  Not everyone has the time to wade through proposals, changed proposals, drafts and final products.

Be prepared for a fair amount of the "time" cries.  

As I believe I have stated previously, no individual in this town believes more firmly than I do that there is an absolute need to establish the position of a strong Town Administrator. 

Just as there is an absolute need to get it right, get it out there and get people to accept it not out of simple something has got to change, but because it meets the need.

Perception is and will remain the constant mantra for such things.  It is and will remain 95% of the battle.  The big problem, right now is perception. 

As to timing and form.  Take any 5 people in government, well how about from different departments anyone, you are probably going to get at least three different perspectives.  Same would apply for  for people off the street.

We have battling perceptions from different boards. We have boards arguing for a "style" that is, in many people's opinion, only necessary to keep the status quo for that particular board. We have attempts to placate some by provisions that I at least perceive as unnecessary in the first instance, and will turn extremely detrimental in the long term. We have people who do not feel change is needed.  There is a whole lot more, but you get the drift.

Everyone absolutely needs to admit that no matter what the final product that ends up proposed  is, there are going to be things that we individually disagree with.  That is a given with most anything. 100% unanimous agreement on all aspects is simply not going to happen.  

So if we are all honest, when town meeting roles around, when we conduct our mini constitutional convention exercise, the goal is to come out of that convention with the best possible scenario. Believe or not that scenario for me is a firm vote, one way or the other.  By firm I mean a solid majority.  Worse case scenario for this is for any article involved to pass or fail by less than a clear margin of votes.  

For me, that amount is in the super majority 2/3s area.  No it doesn't have to be exactly two thirds, but you got to have it over the 60% threshold in my mind.  Not that it is needed legally, but to show solid support.

The old saying is hindsight is 20/20 vision. Foresight however often suffers greatly from both nearsightedness and farsightedness. We need to make sure the vision of the future not only takes care of the problems of the not too distant future but also for the long distance.

What the perfect prescription is, who knows.  Right now I am having trouble focusing beyond Monday's election.  Besides, until we all sit in the chair and look at the charts to be flashed before our eyes, we won't know what the needed prescription is to clear the bleary images.

Anyway, it is what it is and will be what is voted, one way or the other.

That's it for today.

Be safe.


  1. The town executive secretary JO acts in the capacity of a town administrator presently.Many townspeople dont see this or neglect to see it an think when a new person is hired he or she will do the same things.A reality check is needed quickly ,cause that wont happen.Hopefully town meeting members are looking over the article carefully an will make the right call..

  2. There was a public hearing on 4/3, and there were TEN people there from the general public. TEN! Counted them on two hands. Honestly, if I hear anyone say they didn't get enough information, they should be saying 'they didn't care enough about the Town' to GET the information. The next public hearing is scheduled for 4/17 at Town Hall.

  3. The 4/3 public hearing was held & TEN people showed up. TEN!! Counted them with two hands. If anyone is saying that there is not information they are not taking the time to read, send an email, make a phone call, or attend a public hearing. The next hearing is on 4/17 at Town Hall.

  4. It took 5 pages in the article to tell us who,what,why we need a town administrator.Town meeting members an the general public will probably get confused with the offering an ask town consul for his opinion.Why not ,our selectman an other departments continue to use this avenue,but hope not an cool heads prevail...

    1. I don't understand what you are saying, other than it took 5 pages in the article to tell us who, what, why we need a Town Administrator. The article has already gone to the Town Attorney, because he has to review all articles. The article is worded for Special Legislation, which is required by Law, hence more than just a few pages. & the correct spelling for AND is just that..not 'an'.

  5. And or an was a typo error just loosen up.we are not all perfect..Does the town attorney really need to review all Articles or is it done for the safety factor...Don"t think a lawyer is needed to write an article for special legislation,just someone who can write the proper jargon ..Maybe a lawyer could answer this..


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