It has been six days since my last blog. The same have been far and few between lately and will be farther and fewer between as time goes on in all likelihood.
Someone commented on the last post that after last night's meeting of our selectmen, it might be time for another update.
There is seldom a hard part in beginning any blog, as with most things really. The finish is the difficulty. The Alden Road auction property issue. Finished, maybe, perhaps. The two old schools seem to be approaching a finish line. Maybe, perhaps.
There was a line at Town Meeting about perfection at the sacrifice of good. Well these three properties should be the poster children for that line. Simply put, there is no perfect solution to dealing with or the disposition of these properties. Not for the Town as a whole.
The good, shouldn't be holding out for the best possible return some individual or groups expects. It shouldn't be the ideal use some individual or group expects. If the Town cannot afford to keep them, if it cannot afford to use them, for town purposes, than the good is to get the properties on the tax role for permitted uses.
I want a lot of things for this town that I don't get. So do you I imagine. Often we don't get what the other wants either.
Your loaf of bread may be only a half a loaf for me. Your half a loaf might be good enough for you, but won't satisfy my hunger. My standard isn't whether something is simply good. It isn't perfection either. It is whether something is good enough.
Not in the reality of accepting an inferior solution either. It is measured on the effort/return principal. How much effort is need to make something better? How much more will it cost? Is it worth the risk? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
There in lies another problem. If I say yes, you might say no.
That is why we elect them though. That is why we vote. That is why we hold Town Meetings.
The above might not satisfy your needs, but trust me when I say I am down to a half a loaf to share.
Be safe.
Did it take a letter from 2nd graders to confirm the truth, that it's time for action concerning the former school properties? As stated last night, everyday the buildings sit idle is one more day they fall into further disrepair. Vacant buildings attract the wrong crowd, as evidenced by the vandalism. I can't imagine that the 2nd graders had any hope for the improvement of the situation beyond a coat of paint over the graffiti. There's no solution to satisfy all, but all, even the youngsters, realize it's time for action.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the 2nd graders could explain the use of the Reserve Fund to two of the Selectmen.
ReplyDeleteWhy! is a sixth grader can do it,to hard a level for them....