
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday Thoughts (and some ordinary ones too)

Just what is that suppose to mean, super Tuesday?  I understand the concept behind it, the attempt for states to try and have meaningful input in nominating candidates on the national level.  What does that do for everyone exactly?

Well ideally, it would establish a clear front runner in March and get the ball running as far as obtaining the win in November.  Not likely to happen for the republicans this year though.

There are a whole slew of states holding primaries today If Romney can pull out a victory in Ohio, it could be the end to everyone else.  That is a big if however.  If he doesn't take Ohio, all bets are off for just about everyone currently in the G.O.P race.  You could, and probably would, end up with no one getting to the convention with enough delegates; and, you could realistically see someone being drafted from the floor (well more likely a backroom compromise).

If you are looking at the GOP to win in November, most people I know supporting Mitt give the impression that they do so because he appears to be the only candidate that has a legitimate chance to win the November election at this point. But those people make it seem that it is like going to the dentist for a filling.  Something people do reluctantly because they have to, but it isn't a matter they do with gusto.

Let's face it, he isn't the most inspiring guy.  Neither does anyone else in the G.O.P. make me jump up and down with excitement.  

If the G.O.P. doesn't get behind someone soon, they are going to find themselves on the outside looking in as far as taking the White House.  The infighting and public debates and accusations, and the attempts to energize particular segments of the party, are going to leave those inclined to vote red polarized.  Make no mistake about it, to win in November the G.O.P. needs unity.

Personally I am pulling for a Romney vs. Obama presidential race.  If Romney wins, well hopefully as President he remembers the good old Commonwealth.  If Obama wins, hopefully he remembers his good old friend (the Governor) here in the Commonwealth.  Kind of a win win situation for Massachusetts.  Not a sure thing though.

On a much more local level, spring has sprung, at least for the candidates.  We have a fair amount of signs popping up in all kinds of locations.  Amazing where some of the signs get placed.  Always an interesting time of year.  

I was surprised more people haven't taken advantage of the free form pages.  There were three candidates in three separate races who do, and the pages for those three races remain, as do the candidates comments and those of others.  As I had said last week I would be deleting the pages for the races which had no post, and yep those are gone.  You still can comment on the ones remaining.

For those of you wondering if I have lost my "edge", fear not.  For the moment I am just taking in a few things, making some assessments and sharpening the old wit (yes I know, that could take a long time to do).

I am regretting not having made a reservation for the candidates' breakfast on the 8th I believe.  Yesterday was the published deadline. I do understand about the reasoning behind charge for this particular event.  Just something about having to let the moths fly from your wallet and pay $10.00 to hear candidates speak.

If anyone goes and wants to share the details, feel free.

Okay, so remember the primary today.  Decide whether you wish to cast a ballot to choose the republican presidential nominee (there are other things on the ballot by the way.  I am told you will also be voting for the two parties' local and state committees).

Now I am a big voting advocate.  I feel in every election, people need to get to the ballots.  My somewhat ambivalent feeling toward primaries is in fact do to the unenrolled status.  I just don't believe people who are not members of a party should be determining who that party represents.

I know many disagree, but I haven't heard a compelling reason to change that belief.

Just a parting thought.  Have a very super Tuesday everyone.

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