
Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Tape, like the mirror, never lies

Well, the 48 hrs. bump period from the Monday night selectmen's meeting resulted in over 800 page views.  You absolutely cannot discount the benefit of free advertising. I couldn't have choreographed the end result any better myself.

I really couldn't.  Even I don't have the imagination to have thought up that little segment on Monday night to boost the ratings.

Speaking of choreography, there was some more of that last night at the  West Island Improvement Association.  Here is a thought or two for everyone to consider for such events.

First and foremost, "questions" prefaced by long speeches or statements really do not have the effect you think they do.  I realize people feel it is important to highlight the point they are trying to make.  The effect isn't there however.

Short and sweet works best. Get to the point, make it a zinger, and let it fly by all means, but do it with the speed of a jet plane and not a single engine prop.

Also, don't deflect attention from a candidate's obvious dodge.  The crowd clearly knew what was going on at several points in the proceedings.  By calling attention to yourself you deflect attention away from the candidate.

I am not sure what if any airing schedule the event will have.  But it is worth watching.  Very much so actually.

West Island never disappoints.  The Association puts its best foot forward as to being welcoming, not to mention it has the best coffee and goodies.  It also has the best format.

From the political pundit perspective, the only suggestions would be somehow to expand the Q & A.  Cut the speech time a bit maybe.  Limit the time to ask a question and the answer time.  Give unopposed candidates a minute or two to say hi and thanks, and maybe eliminate the questions for the.  As a far as order, have everyone sign in and they draw names for the order.

And if you decide it is fine as is, I can more than live with that because it is still the best one in town as far as I am concerned. 

My hats off to the Association.

Do yourself a favor and watch the tape if it airs though.  

Speaking of tapes (more appropriately video), watch the March 11, 2013 one for the BPW meeting.  Save yourself a lot of time and skip to the 1:59 mark, where they discuss the streets/roads. 

As a lead to the same, I will note in The Fairhaven Neighborhood News this week the chair is quoted making a whole lot of statements.  

One of which is absolutely incorrect.  

The Finance Committee's job is not to simply recommend a dollar amount.  The Finance Committee's job per the town code is to make a recommendation on each and every spending article.  That includes specifically listed sub-parts of any one article.  

Fin Com does not set the warrant.

Fin Com does not place the articles on the warrant.  

Fin Com most definitely does not ignore its mandated duties to accommodate any Board.  

You put the articles on.

You feel you should get a lump sum, then put on a lump sum article.  

The provisions of the town code are pretty clear.  You don't know it, read it.

The protocol established by Town Meeting is pretty clear.  You don't like it, change it.  

But you put an article on, you ask for money, it will be dealt with.

You put an article on with 8 sub-parts then each sub-parts will be dealt with.  

Because you don't like a system, or don't agree with it, or can't figure out on your own how to change it, isn't going to make the fact that someone else has a job to do go away. 

But I digress.  Watch the tape.  The tape doesn't lie.  Listen to the reasoning given by one speaker to do just Dogwood and Cooke, and then the reasoning as to why it becomes Dogwood and North.  Then decide for yourself if the streets are being prioritized for any rational reason other than a promise made.

I can tell you this.  I know I did my due diligence.  I know I spoke with the people who I believe could provide me with the real information.  I know what I was told.  Whether there is a change in opinion somewhere down the road (pun intended), I can't help that.  But I didn't base my decision on any promise I made to anyone.

But watch the tape.  Please.

As has been said before, you simply can't make this stuff up.

I could go on a real rant and do a bush league shred job, but why bother. The fact that there was that little theatrical play Monday night pretty much speaks for itself.

So does that tape. 

Enough of this.  That's it for today.  Be Safe.

1 comment:

  1. Today my son spent 2 periods at FHS trying to fix the audio problems that may prevent the WI Candidate Night from being aired or posted on the website. He is doubtful that the audio will be good enough to be aired b/c at FHS he did not have the tech or equip needed to make the video audible.
    He did say though that he could hear my voice "loud and clear" throughout..... hee hee hee.
    I am so proud of my brilliant son, Zachary,for overcoming the enormous obstacles that challenge students on the autism spectrum in order to serve his school and community.


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