
Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday - again

Okay it really is the slow season.  Not even a tidbit or two, at least from my perspective on what to blog about today from the latest edition of The Fairhaven Neighborhood News.  

One thing worth noting though is the Memorial Day Parade.  Less than two weeks away.  There is a nice ad for that in the paper this week.  It is one of those events that have blossomed recently.  Always a big plus for the Town.  Most importantly though, a great way to show your support and appreciation for those who have served and are serving our Country in the military and especially for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 

One can't help but reflect on the same.  

Solemnly moving on ...

Most of the local topic stuff would end up a rehash one way or the other.  On the "expanded" local area, the casino and rail are looking like deja vu all over again.  Got to love the potential for $0 revenue on the casino compact.  Nationally, well some of it is getting beyond surreal.

Benghazi doesn't seem quite like the Republican witch hunt it was made out to be pre-election.  Reporters across the country are switching phone numbers.  Not for profits can only be not for profits  if they are the right kind (or is that left kind).  The President has complete confidence in an AG who is in charge of a department now embroiled in its second major mishap, and another one in which no one at the top seems to have known what was happening (remember fast and furious).

Whatever happened to the Presidents where the buck actually stopped at the desk in the Oval Office?  Better yet, whatever happened to Presidents who actually knew what was going on.

On the state level, glad to see there is a proposed gaming compact where the state revenues can range from 17% to 0%.  Which means by the way if the new compact proposal is approved, no matter what, there will never be another casino in Southeastern Massachusetts.  That would be the trigger for 0%.

Let me suggest to you that in a competitive market, I wouldn't be all that concerned about what may or may not happen if there aren't exclusive rights granted to the tribe.

Thankfully, it seems we have a gaming commission that seems to be looking at reality, and is doing its job.  Hopefully it can be done for the region before their appointments expires.

Getting very local ...

An unavoidable rehash, okay well more intentional than unavoidable, The Standard Times has yet another article on the Town election and the B of H race.  The declared loser has asked that the voting records be retained.  The only purpose at this point is for a potential for a lawsuit to be filed, seeking a new election.

Someone had sent me an e-mail after the last piece on this and stated they had heard from a few people if there were a new election for B of H only, that might be best.  Not in my mind.  But everyone is entitled to an opinion.

At this point any new election, how ever configured makes the rift in this town permanent, regardless of the outcome; and, that is my opinion.

In another article in The S-T, information about the Town government Study Committee is detailed.  It is a good piece about the matter. The Fairhaven Neighborhood News published the press release from the Moderator this week. The Town website has a nice page with several links set up.

At this point, the one thing I don't want to hear from any individual is "I didn't know about it."  If there is some person out there who might want to serve on the committee but isn't aware of what is going on, if not all the details at least the fact there is going to be a committee, than shame on him or her for not doing a bit of leg work to get the details.

One could easily argue if you aren't paying at least that much attention, you don't fit the bill for the committee.

Well we finished Town meeting with a few bucks in the kitty.  The Senate Ways and Means proposed budget came out yesterday (or the day before).  It is is $43,854 less than the House version, which was $124,752 less than the Governor's proposed budget.

Which means, taking into account the final money will be somewhere in between the House and Senate version, or one or the other, we as a town will be receiving about a few bucks less than in FY 2008 (well more than a few, a whole lot more).

Sure we are getting more money from roads, through higher taxes.   Always a lovely experience to see the budget play out in such a timely fashion.  Start out with a pipe dream and end up in a bottle neck.

Anyway enough for today.  Enjoy the weekend and be safe.


  1. Michelle FurtadoFriday, May 17, 2013

    I also heard a notice about the town study committee on WBSM.
    We already have two permanent rifts 'spinning' in this town, what's one more? But either make a move, or put an ento this newest one.

  2. I am firm in my belief that there should be another election for the BOH seat. But let's see if we can save the town (which they claim to love so much) the legal costs and election costs and hold the election 10 months from now. - Eric Tveit


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