
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

This and that

Well another Fairhaven story in the local daily. This one concerns the local shipyard and the state DEP. The Standard Times reports that the parties have reached an agreement relative to air and noise pollution.

Seems a "acoustic barrier" wall or building enclosure is being required.  

If you live and town and pay just a bit of attention on the matter, you are aware of what is going on on the waterfront.  There have been several scheduled and continued hearings before the Board of Appeals relative to a proposed wall.   

This will eventually been an interesting one to watch.  Not because of the wall.  Keep it at or below the maximum height and you don't apparently need a permit if built within the requirements of setbacks. According to the notice of hearings looked at, the permit sought isn't for height, but setback. 

If the shipyard in fact decides to proceed on the wall vs.enclosure, well than a decision has to be made whether to allow it to be built within the setback requirement.  Whether that is the only feasible way to construct the wall, I for one don't know and am not going to know most likely.  

You have a hearing. You hear the evidence presented. The members of the Board issue a decision.  Someone appeals or someone doesn't appeal. that's the way it works. Or, it get built a bit farther back as a matter of right apparently.

Not wanting to look at a wall will be an automatic stop a wall from being built however.  It could be a reason as to where it gets built. The "stop" decision ultimately rest with the landowner. 

Anyway ...

Truth be told, it has also reached the point where the temptation to take it to a whole new level is getting greater and greater. I actually can resist many things however temptation is the one thing it is eventually impossible to resist.

One either must remove himself from the temptation or succumb to it.

Anyway ...

As a whole our fair haven of a town is actually a fair haven.  I do believe the TA act when eventually implemented will, despite its shortcomings, eventually work to a greater improvement.  But the need for improvement is not a problem simply experienced by the Town of Fairhaven.

Keep that in mind.

Keep in mind that what goes on here, goes on just about everywhere.

Sadly, human nature in many ways dictate that.

Small town USA mentality exist in every small town.  Cliques, "machines", insert your own problem.  Issues may be different. Reality isn't.

The biggest problem every community faces isn't dealing with problems, it is dealing with the differing solutions to the problems. If people could approach matters with an open mind from the start, well heck we are talking Utopia aren't we.

Anyway ...

There ought to be a law against using the excuse of "What's the real harm" when something is not done according to the other laws.  Anyone using that excuse should automatically be reason to end all argument with an adverse finding.

Isolated, there may not be any real harm in any specific instance.  Collectively, the harm becomes and excuse and in a fairness sense a real reason for no one to follow the law.  If I can do it why can't you.

Anyway .. just a real pet peeve...

and enough of that and everything today.

Be safe.

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