
Saturday, July 20, 2013

No substitute for the original

As an FYI  there will only be the two "original" candidates on the ballot for the B of H election.  Thankfully only the two in some aspects, and more the pity in some other ways.

The saddest part about this election is the fact it isn't about the Board of Health anymore.  We can all argue about that, but deep down this election has now morphed into "us against them", certainly at least for most of what I call the "energized" electorate, which will compromise roughly 900 of the votes cast in the election.

I for one would like to be extremely surprised by this election, not about who wins, because a win by either one won't be surprising.  The winner will be determined on which group on the turbine issue can generate the biggest turnout of supporters.  The race isn't about about these two candidates being judged on who would be the best Board of Health member.  Not sure how much that even came into play in April.  It is now about two factions deciding who to vote for to support a specific position.

Specifically the surprise I want is the turnout.  

Simply put, if you have a favorite in this race, I suggest you do everything you can to get people out to vote. Well that is after you complete your first task, which is to get everyone who is eligible to vote to realize there will be an election.  

That is as close as I get today for any soap box about turnout or the lack thereof.  You want to stay home, your decision is to let other voters make the decision for you. I am half tempted to do that myself to be honest.    

Think there will be any candidates' nights? Let's do the public a favor and cut right to the questions.  If you have to allow speeches, 2 minutes max.  Questions from the public, 30 seconds max. Answers from the candidates, 2 minutes max.

Campaign rhetoric to date from both sides - lofty statements and no specifics.  Sure it is still early in the official campaign, but these two have be running since April 2, 2013.  

People want to know where you stand.  Of course for the driving issue, by the time the election is held that could all be moot as far as what either intends to do.

If there is a settlement, well it might influence who gets elected, but it will mean the course of action will be pretty set.  Sure people may sue one way or another.  Until that happens though, it would be no different than what is going to happen absent a settlement.

Absent that settlement soon, I can't envision the developers just sitting pat until September 9, 2013.  If and when that happens, well for better or worse, the course of action will then have a new guiding force.

If this election gets the national attention someone opined about in a comment yesterday, it will be interesting to see just how that attention gets focused.  Truth be told, if this race does get national attention than we have slid so far down the rabbit hole that there is no coming out.

Again, all just an exercise in running in place until some party makes a decision.

So what's the average citizen to do about it all?

You tell me, because for today I am tired of running in place.  It is just too hot for it anyway.

Be safe.


  1. Michelle FurtadoSaturday, July 20, 2013

    We need at least one non-mudslinging, facts-only candidates night. Since a board is supposed to act within accordance of any law, we know how far a member can legally go in pursuing an issue. What is unclear right now, after all that's transpired, is how far is either candidate willing to go?
    Will either of the candidates pursue something beyond the law, to the limit allowed, or not to the limit?
    After the comments of the previous days, we know that whatever is decided on of the wind issue will not make everyone happy. So this election should be about more than the big issue at hand. Let's hear about those.
    Not all voters who vote are on a 'side.' The best overall candidate should be chosen, because after the 'wind dies down,' there'll be other issues to tackle.

  2. What this election should be about is what all elections should be about, but very seldom are. This election is definitely not about what should be.

    This election is right now about one issue, and will remain about one issue.

    If that is being cynical and close minded, you can mark me guilty as charged on this one.

    My personal guess, nine out of ten people who go to the polls on Sept. 9th have as of this day all ready made up their minds.

    Can a few of those votes be swayed with whatever someone has to say about the "other" issues? Who knows? I doubt it though.

    1. Has a Fairhaven issue ever been national news?
      What was the last local issue to make national news, the marathon bomber's connection to UMASS? And before that Big Dan's? I can't remember.
      For all of the happenings in the nation today, I can't imagine the biggest issue in this town becoming national news. And if anyone is hoping it will become national news, I don't think they realize how much work it will take to make that happen.
      Fairhaven is a very tiny part of our state, never mind the nation. And unless a large part of the nation is interested in what's going on here, it won't be talked about much further than the local area.

    2. Has a Fairhaven issue ever been national news?

      Is grass green ?

      How about the federal lawsuit regarding a 2006 hazing incident at Camp Wishbone that involved Fairhaven ?

      If you link the history of Fairhaven from 2006 to the recent election fiasco and now the wind turbine issues and the cast of characters involved you've got the makings of a good movie or an award winning documentary.

  3. Your blog says :

    "The saddest part about this election is the fact it isn't about the Board of Health anymore."

    This race is a lot to do with the health and safety of the residential home owners around the wind turbine. Hundreds of noise complaints have been filed. People have complained about losing sleep in Fairhaven, Falmouth, Scituate and Kingston.

    The Board of Health race has come down to "us" worried about the health and well being of families to "them" worried about their pocket books .

  4. This should be an interesting BOH campaign race. Like others, I suspect whatever settlement is reached with the wind developer might (or should) have a significant impact on the outcome.
    A note to Michelle: I have read many of your posts here and have always found your input to be well though out, informative and respectful. Encouraging that kind of positive dialogue is always a good thing and I respect your contributions to that effort. Please keep it up and thanks.

    1. Phil what about the post from two days ago? I wouldn't describe that well thought out. Comparing fairhaven to prostitution and only wanting a fast buck. Could you read it. Because now i am wondering about you as well.

    2. Michelle FurtadoSunday, July 21, 2013

      John, you don't have to post this if you think it's tit for tat, but I didn't make the comment to imply that Fairhaven was prostituting itself. I only used the prostitution comment to point out an obvious situation in which what is lost is not worth what is gained. I've lived in Fairhaven over 50 years. This isn't the town I grew up in. I understand the need for change, some which might only be for financial benefit. But we can't accept every financially beneficial opportunity that comes our way, and expect our community to remain the same. At some point, we're going to lose the 'character' that we tell people to come here to experience.
      We have to think carefully, because in some cases, there is no going back.

    3. One cannot judge "intent" from what is written.

      One can only imply from what is written what they believe is intended, based on what is written. You use the example to show why you think "it can't simply be said that we should always take every fast and easy dollar that comes our way."

      The implication I myself had was in fact the same as the anonymous commentator, i.e. you were implying that Fairhaven was prostituting itself.

  5. Town consul is waiting in the wings to advise the BOH of the next step to take before making there decisions public.AKA lets refer back to the letter given only to residence that they thought may have been effected by the turbine noise,flicker,etc. The health and safety effects have not been proven one way or another,everyone is still grasping at straws.A compromise between the wind developer and town officials with the best know info available is our only option to settle the problem...

  6. I'll admit I didn't get or agree with the prostitution reference, but I stand by what I said. The bigger point I was making was to encourage this kind of dialog. Agree with a point or not, dialog is almost always a good thing. Michelle does it often, she has the courage not to do it anonymously, and that earns my kudos and respect.


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