
Friday, November 14, 2014

Some shading on the issues

What is the line from the game show? About a survey and what it "says", right. So what about buying the Mill Road property? How many in favor? How many opposed?  Either way, tell us why. Try to be a bit rational about it okay.  

If you don't see potential here, you aren't looking close enough. If you don't see potential pitfalls, ditto. 

This is one of those issues that actually hurts the brain thinking it through.  At least what little of my brain remains.  

In even a less than ideal world, I would be sorely tempted to make the "deal", absent however certain unpredictable factors involved. Those factors all certain around the lack of any real committed plan. It is that simple. To add some complexity to it however, even with a firm plan you are dependent upon it actually being followed down the road. 

I have seen too many examples of today's idea being forgotten, or twisted or worse yet, turning out to be a shell game.

I have told you before about my personal three prong test for hard decisions. The head, the heart and the gut needing to be in sync.

That test grew out of a decision that had to be made nearly 20 years ago on another project. It was made based upon representation from others about certain things that would happen but never did.  It was made believing the right things would be done, but never were. 

You know what? There is only one person to blame for that. That person would be me.  Some day down the road, I think I will detail the whole scenario. It was one of those points in life that really would qualify for use of a mulligan, if you could get one.

Anyway ... I truly digress.

At this point I note that the facts as they exist today on another issue, are causing the same queasy feelings. Not the least of which is the feeling this is being touted more on the rationale that "you won't know what you have until you buy it" concept, i.e. grab bag sale.

Anyway ... Back to the survey. Today's survey is "What do you think?"

There should be a few more surveys done concerning this land, but the same won't be.  These are the type of surveys that would help form a decision on value, potential, and developing a plan. Funny thing on that. The same won't be done because there ain't no money and there ain't no time.  A few months ago there may have been the time.

As to the money, with all the other things people feel additional funding for from certain sources is warranted, would seem to me it should have been obvious that this particular proposal could in fact have been viewed to meet certain criteria and standards. Have to wonder why the switch for that light bulb never was turned on. 

Moving on ...

Well with the leaves starting to fall big time, there seems to be a big time issues with a few trees slated to fall with the leaves.  Twelve of them to be exact. It will be interesting to see the hearing. 

I have said in the past that no one can accuse me of being a tree hugger. I am not however a proponent of simply cutting them down for the sake of ease and simplicity to accomplish a goal. Reasons have to be rational and necessary. Those wishing for the trees to remain also have to be willing to accept what may or may not happen if that happens.

Simply reality is if you are making infrastructure improvements, which believe it or not is a good thing to do at some point before the "improvement" becomes a "necessity", trees do become and issue.

In this case I truly feel for the neighbors.  While not a hugger, the old and majestic trees not only in the area but throughout town add a distinction and beauty to the lay of the land. Let us not forget the benefit of tress to the air quality.  Simple fact is the trees provide definite benefits in appeal and function of being.

In fairness to the town and those involved in the process going on now, the notices for the cutting shouldn't have been the first time the town folk noticed the trees were going to be cut.  I know, we are all very busy, so paying attention early on usually isn't possible.

Next time for this type of rodeo, perhaps the procedural steps for the "cutting" might be taken a bit sooner than when you have dug up the road though. That might give you a bit more flexibility.

Just a passing thought ...

Speaking of passing, I am debating whether to pass on a meeting commitment today.  Shows you just how close to the finish line I am when I consider such a thing.  There are reasons besides being tired toward the end of the race, to be sure.  The fact that there are other reasons though really makes me wonder whether I will finish this particular race.

Marathons are tough races folks.

Anyway ... enough for today.

Be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Potential or the lack of it is mind bending when it comes to the town actually trying to use it for the benefit of the general public.They seem to be using the concept of its my turn for new stuff rather than is it needed for the use of all the town citizens .Everything they propose seems to be hastily assembled,and timed to keep the public uninformed until the last minute..This tactic has been used at most town meetings an is now on the agenda again for a special.Lets hope the TM members will see thru this new charade..


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