
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Post Time, Finally!

It is kind of post time, assuming the Town can ink a contract with the TA who was "unanimously" chosen by the BOS. Can't envision why this should not happen. Well, actually I can envision it not happening, but the contract is definitely something that should happen.  Will leave the negative potential alone though.

At a Noon meeting which commenced promptly at 20 minutes past the hour (yes, it was 20 minutes after, not the slow clock time announced), and after a few more minutes of some head scratching procedural stuff, every individual who had managed to get to the meeting on time and who had been waiting with bated breath was treated to the informed discussion of candidates in about five minutes of "speak".  

There was apparently a technical difficulty in having the meeting go out live.  No camera operator.

That problem was discovered while everyone was twiddling their thumbs in what is all to often SOP waiting on a selectman. 

Now I could do a whole piece on the piece of the meeting that was devoted to the budget for FY 2017.  I won't.  There is absolutely no point in pointing out just another example of lack of real foresight in the budgetary process, despite claims to the contrary of one. And I don't blame the selectmen for that one, not entirely anyway.

I won't do the piece because this should be the last budget done this way. Thankfully. Gratefully. 

Having endured the "process" for more years than memory cares to remember, one of the bright spots on the horizon is the prospect of the implementation of the budgetary process under the TA act (assuming the new TA can piece together the convoluted pieces) and seeing the promise of open and full disclosure as stated in the interview. Could do more pieces on the pulling teeth process, but again, the past is so to be the past.

Anyway... I should address yesterday's missed predictions.

Yes, I did correctly make the one that matters.  It really wasn't hard.  

If any reader went out and purchased a cheese concession though based on yesterday's piece, my apologies.

I have to admit there was no whine being served up.  Might be because the lunch hour meeting got off to a late start and there wasn't enough time to let a good whine breath. Certainly the "discussion" was limited.

If you are getting the irritation about time, good. It goes hand in hand with regularly scheduled meeting dates.  

Anyway ...

Someone left a comment to yesterday's piece wishing Mr. Reese good luck, because he will need it.

Truth is, the first year he is getting a mini break, so starting off with some of that good luck. Getting back to the budget, and as a note, the issue for FY 2017 isn't where are we going to get the money, but how much of it are we going to spend.

So, no really heavy lifting right off the bat in forming a budget.  The present administrative process is going to make sure the SOP applies for at least one more year.

Other notes and encouraging comments from the interview.  

Working with a certain department, within reason.  It would certainly be a novel concept.  

Holding people accountable.  Certainly novel.  Oh don't get me wrong, we have had a few "accountability" issues over the years, but most of those tend to fall into the "seriously?" category, or the "way too late" areas.  

It will be interesting to see where the first turf battle erupts. Seems inevitable given the way turf is guarded in our fair haven.

One individual at Town Hall was offering an over/under line on how long the TA last.  Truthfully, I hope he lasts his five to seven years. I hope he is up to the task of implementing the new act, of solidifying an all too fluid process, of implementing proper management, of a whole lot of things.

As to the over/under line, I think the betting field should be opened up a bit to include a number of positions.  But hey, just a rambling thought.

Well, what else is there to say? Seriously?

Except ...

Be safe.


  1. The man hasn't even started & people (or "A" person) is already betting on how long he stays.. this is NEGATIVE energy the Town Hall & the Town of Fairhaven doesn't need. I also heard the over/under comment & told that person directly.. this is hopefully a step in the right direction... if you do your job, and our held accountable you really shouldn't have a worry.

    1. I agree. How did he react to your chastisement by the way?

  2. If you do your job and and are held accountable ,what a novel idea .It seems like some people in the town haven't been used to this concept.Hopefully the handwriting in on the wall,if not the have the option to do or resign,retire or whatever outlet they need to use..Cant see why the new TA put a lot of info into the budget,I am sure he has done it before.Maybe keep the exec.sectry.around for a few weeks to fill him in..


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