
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Odds with no end

Just some odd thoughts mulling over the day under the gloomy clouds of the early morning:

Over/Under for Town Meeting attendance - 9:00 A.M. start: 250.

Over/Under for number of times someone puts a foot in their mouth: 3.

Over/Under someone gets up to speak about an article previously voted on: 2.

Over/Under for the number of times the name of HHR is used: 6.

Over/Under the number of times we hear we should do it for the children: 3.

Over/Under for after lunch attendance: no line (the optimist in me is hoping for a repeat of last year).

Over/Under for after lunch attendance (pessimist betting line): 127.

Over/Under one of the many paper lions in town get up to speak: 0.

Over/Under for attempts to discuss manufacturing: 2.

Over/Under for items held when addressing the operating budget: 6.

Over/Under for number of groans from TM body during a presentation (total for day): 3.

Over/Under for number of times I start to nod off: 4.

Over/Under for number of TM members who sit at home, watching the meeting in an attempt to time when they have to actually show up so they can deal with their specific article: 7.

I could go on and on with the Over/Under but then it would violate the spirit of the rules to specifically reference an individual by name when discussing TM matters.

Odds the zoning by-law for the bond for a special permit pass: 1 to make five.
Odds it fails: 2 to make 1. (No judgment here, simply odds).

Odds some comic tries to work in a feel the Bern line: even.

Odds town meeting finishes today: 3 to make 1.

Odds we hear complaints about the new format: Even.

Odds lunch will be served at TM: no line.

Odds some member tries to speak on an article to be passed over: 1 to make 1 1/2 (should be an even money article, but being in an optimistic mood, I am hoping people realize discussion is for articles to be voted on).

Odds some simple article turns into the biggest debate of the day: 2 to make 1. It would be odd if it did not happen.

Odds I am going to find the motivation to get it into gear an actually show up: Even.

There will be a bunch of other odd things happening today, however with a limited bank, can't lay down a line for every oddity.

Things to be grateful for holding a May 7th Town Meeting:

No real opportunity for any Cinco de Mayo jokes or May the Fourth be with you jokes.

Both the weather and the obligation provide a guilt free excuse for not cutting the grass today.

Hey, I know it ain't much today, but with the really big stuff being yanked from the line-up, not much to stoke the fire for the day.

Be safe.

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