Quite the editorial in yesterday's (5/3/12) Fairhaven Neighborhood News. Worth reading. Worth thinking about.
Anyway, tomorrow's the big day, Town Meeting. It appears a big chunk of articles are now going to be pulled, passed over, withdrawn. Some interesting information on that, but it will have to wait until after town meeting.
A lot of interesting stuff going on actually. Got to love small towns and small town politics. Getting some interesting info on the behind the scene moves on Wednesday and expected on Saturday morning for the precinct meeting for Precinct 6.
Let me state I do not object to anyone or any group maneuvering to accomplish goals. That's what happens anytime one wishes to accomplish something. If I have any disagreement it is tied into the old saying, "the pot calling the kettle black".
Several people have contacted me regarding the proper procedure for holding precinct meetings, electing chairs and appointing fin com members.
The following is taken from the Town Code (this is not a "by-law" provision but rather part of on of the special acts, by which the town operates),
§ A502-2. Limited Town Meetings, section 7
Any vacancy in the full number of Town meeting members form any precinct, whether arising from a failure of the registered voters thereof to elect, or from any other cause, may be filled until the next annual election by the remaining elected Town meeting members of the precinct from among the registered voters thereof. Notice of any vacancy shall be given by the Town clerk to the remaining members from the precinct in which the vacancy or vacancies exist and he shall call a special meeting of such members prior to any annual or special Town meeting for the purpose of filling any vacancy. He shall cause to be mailed to every such member, not less than seven days before the time set for the meeting, a notice specifying the object, time and place of the meeting. At the said meeting one third of the members from such precinct shall constitute a quorum, and they shall elect from their own number a chairman and a clerk. The choice to fill any vacancy shall be by written ballot, unless waived by a two-thirds vote of those present, and a majority of the votes cast shall be required for a choice. The chairman and clerk shall count the ballots and shall make a certificate of the choice and forthwith file the same with the Town clerk, together with a written acceptance by the member or members so chosen who shall thereupon be deemed elected and qualified a Town meeting member or members, subject to the right of all the Town meeting members to judge of the election and qualifications of the members as set forth in section three.
No one appoints a chair. The chair is elected by a quorum of members present and voting. Any precinct member is eligible. Any precinct member can make a nomination.
By by-law, fin com members are appointed pursuant to:
§ 33-1. Appointment of members; terms.
[Amended 8-24-1957 STM by Art. 13]
There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of 13 members, two members to be appointed from each voting precinct in the manner and at the time hereinafter prescribed, and one member to be appointed at large. The Chair of each voting precinct shall within one month after the Annual Town Meeting of 1958 appoint from the voters of such precinct two members to represent the precinct on the Finance Committee. One member shall be appointed for a term of two years and one for one year. There shall be appointed each succeeding year by the Chair of each precinct at the time and in the manner above prescribed one member from such precinct to serve for a period of two years. The Moderator, Chair of the Board of Selectmen and Chair of the Finance Committee for the preceding year shall, annually at a meeting called for the purpose, appoint one member at large, who shall serve for a period of one year.
Whether a precinct chair wishes to exercise his or her authority by seeking a vote from the precinct members is his or her right.
I completely get the concept of political maneuvering, and apparently so do a number of other people. Whatever wasn't able to be done in the other precincts for whatever reason, seems to be alive and well in precinct 6. Hats off to those involved if they can pull it off. Players come and go, but the game remains.
One of the specific questions asked was what happens when there is a lack of a quorum at a precinct meeting. An interesting question, especially if those present, and those not, were not specifically informed of an adjourned time and date. I am not aware of any provision that specifically deals with the issue, nor with the appointment of acting chairs or clerk. I assume the Town Clerk can provide reference and citation to the specific provisions of the code or statutes dealing with the issue.
The over under on holds for article 4 is three and a half. If it turns out to be over, it could turn into a long day.
Make arrangements for lunch. There will not be any lunch provided. Whatever you do, please make arrangement to come back after lunch.
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