
Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday's Novella

I was surfing the web for some inspiration this morning.  Mondays are, well Mondays.  Besides the motivational factor, trying to get something of note out of the newspaper on a Monday morning is tough.  Seems the news also does not have the motivation to be printed the beginning of the week either.

I found an older piece in the Boston Globe, or should say on the Boston Globe web site dealing with the campaign ad pledge between Sen. Brown and Prof. Warren.   The one relative to dissuading outside entities from running adds. The article is worth reading.

Both candidates should be commended for the pledge, and doing their bests to see it honored by others. although I tend to agree this agreement is going to hurt Scott Brown more than help him.  Can you imagine the filed day the PACs would have had with the "China" ad, and the "student loan" ad from the prof who draws a $350K per year salary?

I have been toying with doing more on the ad pieces I have been seeing.  They deserve attention, just not with the short attention span I have for today.  But more on that, I promise.

Things will heat up soon enough in that campaign.  At best the race has been simmering.  I imagine right after Labor Day we will see the big push.

I need to make one on this blog piece for today or it just isn't going to happen.  Been sitting here staring at the screen.  I just realized I haven't had any coffee this morning.  Could if be that drink somehow wakes you up?

I suppose I would be a bit remiss not to direct your attention to the comment to yesterday's piece.  Some points made worth a moment of your time.

Okay there isn't any point in continuing to struggle at this this morning.  As it is what I have is more a jumble puzzle than an actual piece.  

Enjoy the day the best way that you can.

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