
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A few seconds short of a full minute.

Seems we are getting new hands for the clock at Town Hall.  The old ones appear to have seen better times.  Probably a good idea to get new ones.  The old ones being made of wood seem to have been cracking.  Other work is being done as it seems the hub on the clock was slipping a bit.  Can't have that happening when split second decisions need to be made at times.

Could the present condition of the clock provide an explanation of why time seems to stand still on certain matters?  See the S-T for an up to the minute story on the same.

In the dumber than dumb category, you have to have been reading about the Missouri Rep. running for Senate and the statement made about how a woman's body can stop from getting pregnant as a result of a legitimate rape.

There has to be a school somewhere at which the seemingly ever growing list of politicians major in being stupid.  Rep. Akins of Missouri must have graduated magna cum laude.  Why do I think such a school exists?

Because I cannot fathom how anyone with any basic education who has somehow managed to get elected as a Congressman could be naturally that dumb, either intellectually or politically, and more apparently both.

I cannot begin to even guess what "medical evidence" this guy used to form the basis for his statement.

Everyday you pick up the paper you find something that makes you wonder if we haven't somehow become caught up into a never ending episode of the "Twilight Zone".

I was going to stay away from this today, and have been able to do so since the news broke, primarily because to discuss it means you have to leave all most everything else alone afterward (at least for the day).

Seriously, how can you deal with any other political topic without making everyone you discuss afterward look like a rocket scientist.

Akin has been back pedaling ever since he crammed both feet in his mouth.  A feat possible since he has not brain in his head to interfere.

This is not the type of statement you make and get to fluff off as a poor choice of words, or a mis-statement.  You actually have to believe in the conclusion to come up with it.

Just dumber than dumb.  No other way to describe it.

1 comment:

  1. He went to Worcester Polytechnic Institute--go figure!


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