
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Can you see it now?

I am going to start out very simply by noting that the results of one opinion poll taken over two months before a tight election mean nothing except what may exist at a particular moment in time.

That being said, if you follow the news you will have found multiple sources publicizing the results from the Public Polling Policy survey.  The same gives Sen. Scott Brown a 5% lead over challenger Elizabeth Warren.

Two cautions on this one.  First, the survey was completed before the fallout of the fiasco with the Missouri graduate from the U of  D & D (University of Dumb & Dumber is you didn't catch yesterday's piece).  The second is that the undecided in the survey are still larger than the lead (although the survey margin of error is 2.9%).

In polling circles PPP is considered democratic leaning.  Sure all of them claim to be independent pollsters, but I am just noting a simple tidbit.

Whether the Akins issue will last long enough to give Warren any mileage will remain to be seen.  Quite frankly, I think even the attempts being made presently to do so are going to backfire.  Brown isn't Akins.  Sure they are both Republicans and sure the Mass. race could decide which party controls the senate.

But just as assuredly, it seems more people are looking at the candidates in this race.  The Dems are overwhelmingly support Warren, and the Republicans even more so Brown.  The independents, or unenrolled as we are known here in the Commonwealth, are apparently looking at the individuals. 

Based on the PPP survey those potential voters are backing Brown 58% to 32%.

This race is long from over.  But it does seem a lot of people don't agree with the "China" comparison; and, I have overheard more than one conversation with people commenting that a $350k professor's salary for Warren, and another one for her spouse, might have something to due with the high cost of tuition also.

I don't begrudge her or her husband their salaries.  Yet when you make the high cost of education an issue, you ought to consider whether your high salary comes into play for the discussion.

These are the type of things that start working on people.  I got to tell you, from a personal perspective, she most definitely lost me with the "China" ad.

And will the Dems stop, once and for all, referring to this as a election to get back Ted Kennedy's seat.  


Last I knew, there have been no changes made to the Constitution to take the seat away from the people of Massachusetts.  

That rallying cry may work with the party diehards, but in case you haven't noticed, it ticks a whole lot of non-diehards off.

Speaking of ticking people off, seems something has happened in Michigan to throw it out of the "leaning for Obama" category into "toss up" status.  Again, in a tight race, it is a bit early to get to excited about anything, but it is worth noting that things appear to be tightening up again.  Last week Romney was seeing the race slip away.  This week the teeter totter is back up and things are sliding closer to even.  

More locally, seems we in Fairhaven have a potential problem with rabid foxes.  Be careful folks.

Staying local, I am hearing continued murmurs about another potentially interesting campaign season for local elections.  Two things appear to be deciding the fact that there are still just murmurs rather than actual talk.  

The November election is taking up a bunch of time for some.  Also, some are waiting for the results on the sound study for the turbines.  Let's face it, depending on those results, I can see a few potential candidates getting a big boost for a campaign.  

One issue that won't be, the building of a new school.  That one is done and over with.

The 9th district congressional race, who you supporting, and why?  Help me out here.  Guess what, there will even be Republicans running in the primary and on the general election ballot.  

This election for this office should be very much a "local" race in our minds because of the "local" impact it will have.

I am serious, help me out, and everyone else reading this.  Who do you intend to vote for and why?  This particular race is going to have a great deal of impact for our area.  

Whether you like Barney Frank or not, our present Congressman was excellent in dealing with local issues tied to the federal level.  There is no doubt whoever replaces him is not going to simply be able to step into his shoes and come up with the same results on local matters.

So, if you have some insight, let us all know.

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