
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday's Brief

Some interesting stuff out there today.  

Some interesting stuff coming up.

Seems a storm is brewing for the Republican National Convention.  A real one.  The GOP need a good showing, and a rain out by Mother Nature could very well change the tide in the election.  

Locally, we have the letters to the editor and the letters to the Town on the Fairhaven Neighborhood News website.

The Standard Times has a piece and a letter on buildings in Padanaram which the neighbors are upset about.  The piece/article on line has a picture of the buildings.  I am just not sure I get this one.  

Sure no one wants to see vacant buildings.  Sure everyone wants to see the "neighborhood" looking good.  Absent a threat to the public health or safety, or a violation of zoning use, just what does one expect to be done by the Town of Dartmouth, or any town, to make a property owner use his property?

Quite frankly, the devil in me would tell the owner of this particular property to go out and buy a couple of gallons of orange and purple paint to spruce up the facade of the buildings.  But truly I jest, I think.

Seriously, if you take a look at the S-T stuff on these buildings, what do you think?

I have been getting some complaints about the time in the morning my posts publish. sorry about that.  I will try getting up extra early.  I guess part of the problem though is the mind is beginning to wander when I sit to weigh in on what to write.  

I find myself more frequently enjoying the solitude and serenity of the early morning.  It makes it too easy to forget about the "stuff" I actually started contemplating (Sounds downright philosophical.  Anyone with a toga and sandals I can borrow.  I have the soap box, no need for that).

But I digress ...

Back to letters.  Not the content per se.  You readers are sharp enough to come to your own conclusions.  

I don't get the attempt at redacting.  Of course I don't get a whole lot of things anymore.  Another sign I think that I am well beyond the half way mark in a certain segment of my endeavours.  

I would note there very well be something under the law to allow the info to be redacted, however I don't see it.  Since I am not the one to suffer the consequences if info is erroneously released, I am not going to be hyper critical here because there were in fact some serious allegations made.

Well I think I will end it here.  Another short piece on another beautiful day.  Take care and be safe.

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