
Friday, August 24, 2012

Another bits and pieces piece

Where to start today?

Been in a bit of a funk this week, as you might have observed.  Maybe funk isn't the best way to put it.  I guess I just am having one of those periods where the old drive just isn't there.

I really should do something on the new Warren ad.  It has been one the radio.  You know the one addressing the Akin stupidity, and indirectly linking Scott Brown.  Politically, in this type of race, it can backfire.  

The connection between Brown and Akin is that both are Republicans.  

The Republican Party platform on abortion is admittedly nothing more than a draft of the thesis Akin wrote for his doctorate from the U of D & D. 

The problem however with trying to paint Brown with the same broad stroke, is that he didn't graduate from the U of D & D (see Wednesday's post for clarification on the U of D & D).

I mean it is like saying that because Warren is a Democrat and Rep. Ed Towns is a Democrat. Electing Warren will give us another Ed Towns.  

If you don't know who Ed Towns is, do some research.  A 15 term rep from Brooklyn, NY.  One of our protectors in Washington.  Google his name with Countrywide Financial Corp.

But I digress ...

The underlying tactic is to scare you into not voting for Brown.  You don't want the Republicans to control the Senate!   Look what kind of people the Republicans are!

And to a point, they are right.  There are some real wackos out there in the GOP.  Just like there are some real wackos out there in the Democratic Party.  The sad part is the people of the extremes on both ends are too frequently driving the bus.

No wonder mass transit is a shambles in this country.

Interesting piece online from The Advocate.  It deals with the Bella Vista environmental issues and the allegations of discriminatory comments.  If I were in a different kind of mood I might be tempted to delve into this one a bit more today.  The article is worth your attention though.

Shifting gears ...

I have been thinking a lot lately about our Town, and the never ending parade of issues.  Its too easy at times to take a shot at what goes on.  It is even easier to forget the fact that the problems Fairhaven faces are not unique.

If you take a step back once in awhile, if you try and look at things with a dispassionate eye, I think you will find that in the overall scheme of things, we do in fact have a very good Town.  

Don't get me wrong here, because I do also believe there is room for improvement.  Every day we should be striving for a better community.  I really do believe that is what motivates most people on both sides of the numerous issues we have been and are dealing with in Town right now.

Yet one of the amazing things I do see in our Town is the willingness by a great many people to cross the divide that may separate them on some issues and to meet on common ground for others.  There is not an automatic us vs. them mentality, for most people.  I wish I could say all, but I can't.  I am nonetheless glad I can in fact say most.

Enough of that for the moment.

Keep in mind that Labor Day Weekend (yes, it is next weekend!), brings the annual Our Lady of Angels Feast.  Always a good time.  You are bound to run into some friends.  Most definitely will experience good food!  Keep it it mind.

Take care, enjoy the day, and more importantly stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. So much to write about, and no Saturday blog? I hope you're feeling well. First of all you were certainly right a few weeks ago, when you said that, to paraphrase, things in town were quiet, maybe it's the calm before the storm. Boy what a difference a day, or eight makes.
    A shame about the air quality in the Oxford School. I sincerely hope that no one's health is compromised, for the convienence of not moving to a safer location. Now there's always going to be doubt about the conditions.

    Summer reading at H.M.S.- parents have the right to know what their kids are reading. We can't do that if the list is not released within a reasonable amount of time. We can't trust the administration, or to share our values, so let us read and decide for ourselves.

    Last fall tropical storm Irene was the major disturbance. This year it's a different storm front.


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