
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sundays, Shorts or Shots?

You have noticed a change or two in the blog format.  If all goes according to plan, which seldom happens when it comes to things I try with this little exercise, the blog will be moving shortly.  Assuming I can make it "work" that is.  Anyway, I will keep you posted on that.

Another change you might have noticed is I have not posted a piece on the past two Saturdays. 

Is that really a change?   A change in habit I guess.  

Anyway, it is probably going to be a regular "miss".  Along with another day or two during the week.  I have said all along I would get to the point where this wouldn't be a daily thing.  Just seems that point has been reached.

The Standard Times has a piece today about the air quality at the Oxford School.   An issue of concern, absolutely.  One of panic, not at this point.

We are told the findings of "historic mold" are limited to the gym. Anyone out there with information on the issue feel free to share it.

I am intrigued about the use of the fans.  Might be beneficial to open the windows and let them blow in another building.

Before I get side tracked, it is a definite issue worth everyone attention.  Let's see what the further tests reveal. 

As a reminder to everyone out there, the primary for the state wide offices and the U.S. House race is scheduled for Thursday, September 6, 2012.  We really need to get a law in place that calls for all elections held to be on a Tuesday.  Bad enough people have trouble remembering to vote period, but the different days of the week apparently cause a great deal of confusion.

Every April I hear the same thing about the Town elections, "What do you mean it was yesterday?  We vote on Tuesdays, don't we?"   Had someone tell me I was nuts when I gave them the date for the primary.  Basically, was told I didn't know what I was talking about.

While more often than not that may be a valid point when I am involved in a discussion, I was pretty sure I had that particular "fact" down pat.  I realize it should not matter on something as important as voting, but when it involves something as important as voting would it be a bad thing for a bit of consistency?

Seems that the storm in FL is putting a damper on the Republican convention.  One less day of the show isn't going to matter.  The one fact that seems to be universally accepted is that 92% of us who will go to the poles all ready have decided, and nothing, short of Armageddon is going to change that.  Statistically the other 8% will make up their minds the week before the election or even closer to it.  

Think about all the money that is going to be dumped into all sorts of campaigns for 8% of the vote.  Take about special interest spending.  

There is a whole lot more out there I suppose I could talk about today.  Just not in the mood today to talk, or more appropriately write, about a whole lot more.  

Enjoy what promises to be a beautiful day.

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