
Monday, September 17, 2012

Just another Monday.

As I have said before, absent something truly earth shattering happening, or a complete Obama collapse in the debates, I am guessing as of now the Obamas aren't going to be leaving their current address for another 4 plus years.  

What is the biggest factor in this race as far as potential outcome is what the talking heads call the solids. states which the pollsters would be willing to bet the farm are going to a particular candidate. Now different polls have different scenarios.  I tend to favor at the Real Clear Politics site and the compilation it uses.

 In actual number of states, Romney leads in the solids 13 to 10.  He leads in the states likely to go his way over Obama 5 to 3.  In the states dubbed leaning one way or the other, Obama has a 6 to 5 lead.  there are 9 toss up states.

So in individual states, Romney has a rather good lead.  The problem for him is states he has, don't equate to big numbers in the electoral votes.  He is projected to be behind by 36 of those votes.  The projection to date has Obama with 237 to Romney's 191, with 110 undecided.  To win one needs 270.   

While the solid and likely states will tend to remain that way, the leaning states become very significant.  Romney can't afford to lose them.  He also needs to clean house in the toss up states, and the polls in the various states simply don't support his ability to do so.

While the popular vote is close nationwide, the end game is just about here in this one.  The Huff Post model has Obama winning the electoral college 326 to 206.

In our senate race the most recent poll has Elizabeth Warren opening up a lead over Scott Brown.  Concluded a few days after the Kimball poll which showed a very tight race with Brown having a slim lead, this new one from Western New England has her ahead by 6%.  This one too can be over after Thursday's debate.  It will be interesting to see the polls after that.  

No change in the projections for the control of the House.  But those races, like our senate race, can turn on a dime.  So, while it looks to remain GOP, we actually still have to casts ballots.

I know, the blog is starting to sound like a broken record, with just a extra scratches.  

Like the Chicago Teachers' Union strike.  Since Thursday we have been hearing about how close the parties were, that they were all most there.  In fact, based on what was in the news, it seemed a matter of crunching numbers to determine how to make it work.  The union reps. seemed to feel they needed to really think about the proposed deal submitted by the union officials though.

Some good news, as reported in the Standard Times, the work on Route 18 in New Bedford is all most a year ahead of schedule.  Sometime next spring or summer early summer, it will be done.  Let's hope it stays that way.  Now if someone could tell us about the bridge and Route 6!

No home runs hit here today.  A near strike out really.  What can I say, it is Monday.

1 comment:

  1. The Selectmen's meeting is tonight. Maybe you'll find a good pitch to hit. Keep your head up, and eyes on the ball.


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