
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A new day.

Well, true to form, if one needs a tad bit of material for writing, watch a selectmen's meeting.  Right out of the gate, while approving minutes, a discussion took place about public input.  No matter what the outcome this April, I am going to opine that once the chair rotates after the election, we can look forward to some lengthy meetings.

While one could do a whole piece on this matter, this one won't.  Not at this point. Suffice it to say, I think future meetings are going to become more interesting.

I will also add that one should not simply read the article in The Standard Times today.  Watch the meeting also.  While the exchange between the selectmen Monday night is very interesting, I believe the tenor of the actual exchange was a bit less "sensational" than what one might think from simply reading the paper.  Judge for yourself whether this one rises to the description of a "clash".

In case you are curious, and don't watch the meeting or read the paper, the underlying issue is the operation of the turbines.  

The Planning Board is going to have two vacancies.  This is pretty significant for this board as there are some votes that require a specific number of votes to pass/take action.

North Street, may actually become an official street.  Believe it or not there has never been a formal acceptance of North Street.  There are statutory provisions which I believe make it a public way, however, there are significant reasons to adopt it.  There is an article (2 actually) on the Special Town Meeting warrant to do so.

Speaking of the warrant, you should have received it in the mail yesterday (assuming you are a Town Meeting Member).  Article 1, section 3 will be a pass over, along with Articles 11 and 14.  

The only article in contention, from a Town admin point, with the above matters being passed over is going to be, Article 1, Section 2 a transfer request from capital outlay to repair and maintenance.  

Our solar farm, or I should say the solar farm on Town land, is "moving along quickly".  Not bad for a project given the green light years ago.  Target date for actual operation, sometime in January, 2013.

The report from DOR is out.  I did a preliminary read yesterday, and will be going over it in detail.  No real surprises in it to be honest.  There are a number of things in it that have been suggested by many.  Indeed, from a preliminary review, I can say that much, if not all of it, should be given serious consideration.  It means the report should not be dismissed out of hand, not one thing in it.

I am not at this point suggesting adopting each and every recommendation.  I am suggesting that each and every suggestion needs to be looked at very seriously.

This needs to be looked at, and I agree with Selectman Espindola that things must start sooner rather than later.  Some of things do need immediate attention.  Some need attention, however the same also need to be studied and discussed, along with being thought through.

Work diligently, work with purpose, but don't do something simply to do something.  Time is of the essence, however that does not mean complicated decisions should not be driven solely by time.  Formulate a game plan on how to deal with the report.

There will be more said on this, there should be, just not by me, but by many. The report will soon be available on line.  Hopefully very soon.  this should be a must read for everyone.

Enough for today.  Be safe.

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